"Roam with me if you want comic lady, but try to keep up." He said, walking past the door Light was making a show at. He stopped and raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. "Hastur, any idea what that is?" He asked. [i]No idea. Definitely alien like me, but that's all I can tell.[/i] "Well, no worse than anything I've dealt with before." He said, walking down the hallway. He looked at Cassie as they walked, trying to figure out what was going on. "So, any clues on how or why you are here?" He finally asked, trying to find the closet he passed earlier. "I'm going on a limb and guessing that you didn't summon us here, seeing how you have no idea how this ship works." He said, finally seeing the closet. "Unless, of course, you are testing us. If that's the case, not bad." He said trying to open the door. When it didn't open he let out a sigh, holding his hand out. A large tendril shot out, knocking the door off it hinges. Inside was a switch, with the words "Backup Power" written on it. "This, is incredibly easy." He said, walking to the switch. "Think it's safe?"