Sinna continued to walk around the base until the alarms were heard, Sinna started to get on her guard as she heard footsteps running her way, her hands were already glowing with energy as she walked towards the side in case she needed to give off a good hit though what came next surprised her as she noticed Rachel ran through the door hastefully as the teenaged girl cried out Sinna's hero name.[b]"Rachel?"[/b] Asked Sinna in surprise that she was the first person to find her and that the entire base was empty besides the two. Sinna forgot she never told anyone her secret identity, this was probably for the best anyways. Looking at Rachel, Sinna's eyes were full of shock and confusion as she was being suddenly pulled back into the infirmary as the alarms began to stop. What came next was completely unexpected and shocking for Sinna as Rachel kissed the girl and told her that she liked her. Sinna's eyes widened as her face turned completely red as she blushed, but she was also confused more than anything, yet the teenaged girl loved every second of it... for almost eight to ten months Sinna liked Rachel but was afraid to tell her that and now this... Sinna closed her eyes and began to softly push forward, into the kiss as she begun to kiss the black haired girl back with complete passion as she savored every second of the kiss... Even so, everything was happening so fast and she still had hundreds of questions. [b]" Rachel... I... Umm... umm...[/b] were the only words that came off of Sinna's lips after the kiss as she was flooded with emotions and confusion that she didn't fully understand yet. Sinna was starting to get nervous as she tried to talk and she was still in shock on what just happened. Taking in a deep breath Sinna tried to get her mind straight and think again. [b]"Rachel, how long was I out? Where is Sirius, Mina, Viran and the others? What happened while I was out? I saw some news articles but... [/b] v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~+~+~Meanwhile~+~+~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v Daniel was in his old home, it wasn't much as it was deep in a forest far from second city. He lived in a small stone house with little electricity though he didn't need fancy computers and that such... He only needed a forge and his house had just the one he needed. Daniel struck hard down onto a glowing white metal that was freshly out of the most intense of flames which came from magical properties. Again he struck the metal and again, shaping the small piece into an arrow before putting it back into the flame for an hour and taking out another similar looking piece that was also glowing white. Daniel started to hit the weapon heavily again as he flattened the blade further and still had enough heat in it to at least begin sharpening the arrowhead efficiently before needing to place that piece into the intense fire. As he placed that piece into the fire he took out a third piece and sharpened it even further for a minute before starting to place a rune on the weapon and a tad bit of magic, just enough to give it it's magical effect. For the past two months Daniel continued this process and even made a collection of bullets for his gun. When he wasn't working in his forge he was training heavily in the forest. Around his home were thousands of different forms of weapons the trees around the house were either broken, dead or large wood chips... When he finished the three mithril arrows he then walked inside the forest as he unsummoned all the weapons, each one that laid on the ground had a small portal under them that would suck all the weapons into them relatively quickly. Daniel as the weapons unsummoned he then walked towards a large flat dirt area as he continued summoned a single katana and began to practice his form more, summoning his favorite "shooting stars" which were shurikens enchanted to where once thrown they would shoot at great speeds and the only thing seen of them would be the trail of light they would leave behind. His katana was heavily detailed and his metallic Mythril arms claws were equally as such. Both had swirls and written runes on them as Daniel prepared for the upcoming attack he created for himself.... Gripping the long katana Daniel started to run forward as the shooting stars began to shoot. Quickly Daniel jumped into the air, spinning sideways as he jumped over the first two and when the third shot at him, while still in mid air he blocked it with the mythril katana. Once he landed Daniel took only two steps forward before ducking to only dodge another shooting star be centimeters before he swung his body forward to manage a small jump upwards, only to barely block another one of the shurikens with his mythril hand. Once up Daniel continued his forward run blocking as many as he possibly can with his hand and katana as some somehow managed to scratch or cut his arms and legs as he continued to try and dodge the neverending supply of overly fast shurikens as he could see the target in front of him, he wasn't stopping for pain or anything, Daniel was determined to hit his target no matter what. Once he reached his target five great hammers came flying down at the kid and with one swift movement and reposition Daniel blocked all five simultaneously with his katana as he held the blade up with his mythril hand, before Daniel didn't have anywhere close to enough strength or the proper form to do this but now he knew better. Once he withstood the force of these great hammers Daniel unsummoned them as hundreds of arrows were being shot from his sides, he could not slow down and he had to beat the speed of his own summoning as he ran forward, slowing down for even a second was certainly not going to end well and he was so close to his target. Daniel was now a few yards away from his target but soon many weapons appeared in the sky and in quick retaliation Daniel opened his mythril clawed hand in the air as he summoned seven swords that started to spin at great speeds to protect him as the many innumerable weapons started to fall down upon him. As soon as they fell the seven spinning bladed did their job well, throwing each weapon that would land on him to the side. Once that part was done Daniel began running forward again, only for a sword to appear in front of him and with one quick jump to the side then forward Daniel grabbed the sword with his mythril clawed hand as he spun and struck the wooden man shaped figure with the katana, slicing it completely in half before he opened his hand again and started to continuously shoot as many weapons as he possibly could at the target, hitting it continuously and as the dummy was being shredded by the continuous streams of weapons Daniel still didn't stop until it was nothing but chips on the ground. Once his little exercise was done Daniel was wheezing as the innumerable weapons were scattered on the ground. Daniel was pushing his own limits as far as possible and soon hell to one knee. [i]'I need to get stronger... I can not fall like that again... I need to be the best... I can't fail them... I can't... I cant... fail... them.'[/i] was the last thing Daniel could think as he started to cough and spit at the ground before falling to his side and breathed heavily. His eyes could now only see in a blur and he was starting to see things in different colors than what they actually were. Blues, purples and reds were seen everywhere when he was in a forest... a fucking forest... everything should either be green, brown, or silvery due to the mythril weapons... not purple!!!