[@LordofthePies] Hey, thanks for coming by. Okay, so I'll admit that I am slightly concerned about the quality here. I can tell it was done quickly, and I'd like to know that you can put in a bit more effort. I'm going to give a few points you could improve on, if you'd like to work on your sheet a bit more. I know I posted in the casual thread, but I do want to get in depth with characters and plot, so a well-thought out character sheet would be appreciated. Rogue/archer is fine for a class. 1)Sentence fragments. I understand having some in a character sheet for sure, but a few of your sections are almost nothing but, and it would be nice to see some real paragraphs as this is an "apply" sort of deal and I did want to know who I'm accepting. 2)I'd like to know more about this "Was technically dead. The brain damage drove her insane." part. I don't have a problem with this, but I'd like to hear more about it, because in order to write an insane character a lot of thought has to be put into their mental state. What's the story of what happened? It seems pretty important to her backstory. 3)Cat worshipping - It's from Charta, not Chorn. For the relevant bits on Chorn religion, it's under "Adana." If she isn't religious, that's fine, but she would know about Adana and her laws at least a bit, as she lived in that caste system. Believing in ghosts is fine, these societies have myths such as that as well. 4)Backstory - I only have a couple things to note. One: what sort of boat did she steal? Boats in this age are often only able to be sailed by 10+ people, as they're usually tallships or fishing boats. She could've snuck onto one of those, or stolen a smaller boat, which probably would have only been controlled by paddles (which maybe she lost, if you wanted her to crash?) Next, maybe bump the age up on when she got so good with the bow. It makes sense she'd be good, that's the idea of the rp, but it might take a few more years than that to master her technique. The only other thing I'm curious about more detail for is that her father was a thief, but she lived on a rice paddy. What was her childhood like? Anyways. It isn't bad, of course, I just wanted a bit more detail in my sheets than this. If you want to edit it, you can take your time. I'm sure the IC won't be ready to go for a few days at the earliest. Thanks! And [@SuperNova9000] can't wait. : )