Rebecca nodded when she was asked to calm down. They were offering to help, so clearly they couldn’t be all that bad. They could probably use the help, actually. Even if all they amounted to was meat shields, at least there would be someone else there to draw in attention. She continued to think about it until Nina decided to ask what her thoughts on the situation were: “Do you think we’re in over our heads w-” “Yes.” Rebecca responded flatly, not really bothering to try and look at it another way at this point. “Do you think those two would be helpful to have along?” Her friend continued. “Yes,” Rebecca said again. “I can’t really see us getting through that mission without some extra help, unless we get really lucky, but I guess that lucking out is nothing new for us. What do you think, Dexter? Are we bad enough dudes to fight off an army by ourselves?” She looked at Dexter expectantly. Sure, he was kind of surly, but even he didn’t think that fighting that many pokemon was going to work out too well for them, did he?