[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0o398pa.png[/img] [hider=Full Picture]Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62374467 [img]http://i.imgur.com/QN6Cte4.png[/img][/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bvq5coh.png[/img] [color=f7dfa8][i]"If I may be so ambitious, I seek to experience all the grandeur of this world."[/i][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bvq5coh.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [indent][indent][color=f7dfa8] × [b]Name[/b]:[/color] Basil Lightbourne [color=f7dfa8] × [b]Age[/b]:[/color] 17 [color=f7dfa8] × [b]Sex[/b]:[/color] Male [hr] [color=f7dfa8] × [b]Appearance[/b]:[/color] [indent]Due to his androgynous features, Basil is sometimes mistaken for a beautiful woman in the early to mid twenties range. He has a very mellow-looking face, with large eyes and thick lashes. His skin is pale, but color is brought to it through contrast with his long white hair. His height also contributes to the misunderstanding as he stands at a relatively short 164 cm (5'5") and has a slender build with thin shoulders. Basil usually wears a loose, white long-sleeved shirt which covers up the fact that his arms quite toned underneath. His affluent background means that most of his clothes are made of silk or other luxurious fabrics, but he stays away from extravagant designs and gets them specially tailored to be very easy to move and fight in.[/indent] [hr] [color=f7dfa8] × [b]Personality[/b]:[/color] [indent]On first impressions, Basil appears demure and reserved, but this is [i]mostly[/i] just because he is soft-spoken, and simply prefers to keep small talk to a minimum in conversation. It is also because he gets embarrassed easily and pretends to act casually when he is excited. With his childish sense of wonder for the world, he is constantly seeking to expose himself to new things and meet new people. He looks forwards to a future where he can be a Hunter and travel to exotic and even forbidden locales. Being a prince, Basil is used to things just going his way. While he is quite clever and very knowledgeable about a great many topics, his lack of worldly experience combined with his forward drive makes him often underestimate challenges and be oblivious to risks. He has suffered minor setbacks before, but he has never been in mortal danger, and he does not really understand the meaning of hard work. Basil's single-mindedness in his desire for knowledge and exploration means he seldom pays heed to matters that do not pique his curiosity. He can be very compassionate however when he sees someone in need of help. He acts mostly on his instincts and has put little thought into matters of right and wrong. [/indent] [hr] [color=f7dfa8] × [b]Biography[/b]:[/color] [indent]The Lightbourne family is old nobility, dating back to the earliest days of the Elancian Empire. They were slowly fading into irrelevance until three hundred years ago, the Two Star Treasure Hunter and explorer Aeron Lightbourne lead the efforts in colonizing the Jewel Archipelago, and the family was anointed as Viceroyalty of the new colony. When the Empire fell and was divided, the Lightbourne family declared themselves a monarchy and have continued to rule over the Archipelago ever since. Basil grew up in a loving home as the second son of King Mammon of the Jewel Archipelago. As he was not slated to inherit the throne, Basil has always hoped instead to become a Hunter like many of his ancestors have been before him. He naturally loves to learn and studied many things, even inviting teachers from around the world. Although he has never left the Archipelago, a great deal of his time has been spent exploring the Jewel Archipelago from end to end; it is too big for him to even come close to fully exploring however. [/indent] [hr] [color=f7dfa8] × [b]Abilities[/b]:[/color] [indent]As someone who prepared long to become a Hunter, Basil keeps in relatively good physical shape. He has been trained before by a martial arts teacher and can handle himself well enough against ordinary thugs. His greatest asset however is his encyclopedic knowledge of things from survival skills to foreign cultures. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][hr]