[@VitaVitaAR] [B]葛 馮虚 (コペンハーゲン・スター)[/B] "[color=9d538e]Nothing much in particular,[/color]" was the older girl's reply, which, despite her initial plans to get some studying in, was technically true. While keeping up with one's studies was definitely of great import, most of her assignments had already been completed, her domestic responsibilities dealt with in a reasonably satisfactory manner, and no other events had been scheduled for the day. To push back some time allotted to study on a weekend to later in the day was perfectly acceptable, even if she would have to reduce the duration of her break or the time spent on patrol. Although, given that her companion was in fact a fellow magical girl, one could feasibly consider that her "getting-to-know" Akane was in fact a form of improving a work relationship, and thus was a perfectly adequate use of her time (in an efficient yet enjoyable manner). [i][color=54D1F1]Didya have to crap out so many words to say you wanna pal up with dragon girl?[/color][/i] [i][color=9d538e]I'm merely adjusting my schedule.[/color][/i] "[color=9d538e]It hasn't been a very busy week,[/color]" she added, noting in the corner of her eye that the waiter was returning with their orders. That was good, she was beginning to feel the effects of hunger. "[color=9d538e]So I'm free to spend my time however I wish.[/color]"