David was glad that Jakki didn't ask anything about the crazy things he had seen before seeing as he wasn't in the mood to explain. As the two of them headed towards the in a different direction to avoid detection,he noticed some pale white haired girl sleeping in one of the trees. While he wondered why she didn't pick a more comfortable spot, they arrived at the entrance of the main building. Thanks to his partner's directions, they quickly arrived at the gym teacher's office. After looking inside through a window David was surprised to see the room was empty. [i]That's odd, they should be here by now especially seeing they took the faster more direct route"[/i] He thought to himself, before reaching the conclusion that "Daisuke" probably slowed down Bologna by struggling or something.He opened the door and as soon as they were in the office he turned to face Jakki. " Lets get to your hiding place quickly, before anyone shows up."