[h2][center] - Gabriel, 'Blood Compact' - [/center][/h2] [center][@Wraithblade6][/center] Silently Gabriel observed as his impudent spawn monologued. At some point he was going to need to make a rule on that. No monologues until you're at least 1000 years old. That was a solid age to start. Regardless it seemed that Mithias believed this matter to be of the utmost importance, so Gabriel deigned to listen to his concerns. The boy certainly seemed different, as befitting his period of absence and the nature of his travels. But despite all the changes he had yet failed to gain a sense of humour, nor the indifferent attitude befitting of an immortal. Every little thing was 'the end of the world', and every apocalypse was to be taken seriously. Sometimes Gabriel wondered if Mithias smiled when he wasn't looking, because there was no way anyone could keep up that level of concern, that level of care, and not go completely bonkers. On the other hand, what was wrong with bonkers? Sighing, the self-proclaimed god dragged his mind back to Mithias' little speech. "So you're telling me aliens from another dimension are going to invade in order to conquer the world?" For a solid ten seconds Gabriel just stared at his wayward son over the rim of his black-tinted glasses, thin eyebrows raised. It wasn't a silence that invited answers, and Gabriel used it to savour, momentarily, his wayward son's frustrations. Of course Gabriel believed him, Mithias didn't have a dishonest bone in his body. A damn shame, but that's just the way things were. Didn't need mind reading to tell that, at the very least, Mithias truly believed this. But there weren't enough awkward silences in the world, and Gabriel was on a mission to remedy that issue. "Seems to me like you're bending over backwards for an alien. Tut tut. That's hardly the behaviour I expected of you. Well, that's not true, but it's not the behaviour I'd like to encourage." Gabriel snapped his fingers, and chaos erupted on the beach. Vampires burst from the sands and fed on the human tourists, who simply stood there obediently. But the vampires weren't simply feeding, they were turning each and every one of these random humans. Men, women, children, within moments there was not a single human on the beach. "See, I've been around for a long time. I've seen empires rise and fall. Dictatorships intent on conquering you 'for the greater good' very rarely deliver on their promises. And even if they did, where's the fun in that? No, that wouldn't be interesting at all." Small groups of vampires rushed out of the building, handing out weapons and armour to the assembled newbloods. The newbloods equipped themselves rapidly, a beautiful sight to behold. From the chaos and frivolity of mortal distraction emerged a formidable fighting force, a vampiric army armed to the teeth with the cutting edge of technology. "Regardless, I've been looking for something to get invested in for a while now. Gabriel, Dark Lord of Vampires, Saiour of the World. Has a nice ring to it, no? Oh, and you're grounded." Gabriel's luminescent grin dimmed momentarily into a caricature of a concerned glance. "I will not have and giving up in my household. So you're grounded for the next couple of days, until you learn to act like a proper vampire lord. Also smile. No phones, no playdates, no brooding." With this final message Gabriel turned rapidly away, convinced he had done his proper parenting job. "There's orphan blood and a cold pizza in the freezer, and you're free to abuse the minibar. But if you break anything when I get back, no pocket money for a MONTH. You hear me?" Still grinning the immortal marched off towards his private airfield even as behind him his private army geared up. He had 36 hours to get everything ready, and he was planning one hell of a surprise party.