[hr][hr] [center][color=D9E0F9][h1]Tiffany Lyle[/h1][/color] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqhm1rIZIL1qbpt9ao1_500.gif[/img] [i]Building 7 (Rec Center) [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Before Tiffany could respond in kind, she heard a small crashing sound. She looked over to see Ray on the ground, his crutch away from him, and others around him all staring. [color=D9E0F9]"Oh no..."[/color] She got up immediately, but before she could rush over, she noticed others around him helping. Amelia got his crutch back and Ryan helping him up. She was thankful for that and he didn't look like he was in pain. Still though, she pushed her chair in, [color=D9E0F9]"I'm going to go help him back. I'll be back shortly."[/color] She moved over to where Ray and the others were and sidled up to Ray, [color=D9E0F9]"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need help getting back to your seat?"[/color] She ignored the others who were laughing at him. Seems they couldn't be bothered to at least check if he was all right. [color=D9E0F9]"I'll grab some food and bring it back, but let's get you to back to your seat,"[/color] she said with a smile. She looked over at Ryan, [color=D9E0F9]"Thank you for helping him up."[/color] She left it at that. She still wasn't a fan of Ryan, but he did still help, so that painted him in a good light with her. She put her arm around Ray in an effort to lead him back to a chair.