[centre][img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/witcher/images/b/ba/Hrb_unof_Cintra_Nlfgrd.png/revision/latest?cb=20090818083409[/img][/centre] [centre][b][h3]12th January, 1500[/h3][/b][/centre] [centre][b][h3]The City-Kingdom of Vo-Spejlia[/h3][/b][/centre] [centre][b][h3]Harbour of Janis[/h3][/b][/centre] "I'm out of my depth here!" Visvaldis Vor Tepwej lamented to himself. Pressing his elbows against the gun rail of the Battered Seal. It wasn't long after dawn and already he felt a tingle in his throat for liqueur. He looked a sorry sight. Leaning over with his dishevelled brown hair, patted down to look somewhat decent. Visvaldis has spent many hours alone in his cabin on the carrack. The more astute observer could notice that Visvaldis had worn the same jacket and breeches for a few days now and rarely disembarked the ship. On the quayside and docks around him, sizeable loads of supplies and materials were being loaded aboard the [i]Battered Seal[/i] and others vessels docked besides her. Sailors carried packs and equipment over their shoulders and up gangplanks. Before stowing them below decks. Notable passengers boarded the ship with tools and luggage they deemed worthy of the new world. A team of engineers brought instruments and papers, to be looked over and prepared for landing. "Captain, you look like shit!" the Battered Seal's first mate said, walking next to Visvaldis after emerging from below deck. Visvaldis had struggled to find a suitable captain, considering the burial ceremony of the former's body scared many away from the position. Instead, Visvaldis made his fisherman father proud and made himself captain. "I certainly feel it Mr Bendiksis" Larjo Bendiksis was the man with real naval experience. A suitable candidate to command the ship while Visvaldis commanded the expedition. His greying horseshoe moustache and bulky frame made him seem rather intimidating too. "This looks like a lot to lug across the ocea... oh shit it's Legerstroj" Bendiksis said with a weary drole in his words. Visvaldis turned his head to see a finely dressed man stride along the quayside with purpose. The man spots the duo and lifts his hand in a quick wave, weaving between sailors and supplies. He halts just before the gangplank. "Mr Vor Tepwej! Can you explain to me, in your oooh so mighty knowledge of sailing and navigation! Why have you named my ship as the supply ship!" Captain Legerstroj shouted. "It's rather self-explanatory Captain" Bendiksis shouted back, garnering chuckles and short laughs from the sailors around them. "Mr Vor Tepwej, a captain who knew what they were doing, would give that man twelve lashings!" Legerstroj spat out with a finger pointed to Bendiksis. "Captain Legerstroj, please... The details have already been approved and we leave soon. Please consider this matter settled" Visvaldis tried to reason with the captain, brushing off the blatant comments about his worth as the watched Legerstroj storm off. "Did you know I have an interest in science captain?" the first mate said to Visvaldis, who turned his head to the senior in puzzlement. "I'm going to actively survey the wildlife of the new world. Find an insect with the biggest teeth and stuff them up Captain Legerstroj's arsehole!" Larjo Bendiksis said, like he'd either used that threat before or had actually done it before. "Well, I hope our third captain will be more agreeable to you" Visvaldis told Largo, feeling a light headed spell drift over his head. "Sir! A royal carriage approaches!" A sailor shouts to Visvaldis, who feels his faintness into a unsettling feeling of nausea. "Oh... Okay" Visvaldis really didn't know what to do. Should he head back to his cabin quickly and freshen up? Should he change his jacket? He instantly starts brushing his hair with his hands as Bendiksis quickly shouts to the sailors to clear space for the arrivals. Visvaldis grabs a waterskin and washes his mouth and face, as a quartet of horsemen approach the wharf. "Make way! Back up!" A horseman, wearing a black cloak with a golden sun badge starts shouting at sailors. His horse starts to clap it's shoes onto the cobblestones and unnerve those too close. The sun shines of their breastplates and sallets as the carriage, painted black with blue and yellow furnishes, rolls on the cobblestones and stops before the gangplank. Visvaldis gulps and descends the gangplank. Holding his hands in a neutral clasp, at least he hoped was neutral. A servant on the carriage hops off and opens the narrow door, allowing a woman of toasted brown hair to emerge in a blue jacket. Not entirely ladylike, but that wasn't the fashion of the princess-consort liked to promote. Visvaldis felt a ease in his stomach a little, at least enough to bow for her majesty as she emerged and stepped forward. "Your majesty, it's a delight to see you here" Visvaldis spoke to the ground, before rising up. "Thank you Mr Vor Tepwej, I have come to introduce you to your fellow captain and wish her well on her journey" Anna Vor Oranzs' voice was somewhat deep but regal. Visvaldis could tell she was used to lecture work. A second figure emerged from the carriage, another woman, wearing a deep blue doublet and short ruff. Various seashells and tokens dangle from a necklace over under her pale ruff. "Mr Vor Tepwej, this is Inga Sapsejes, my student and friend at the academy of saltwater magics" the royal introduced her companion to Visvaldis, who's green eyes struck with his and a polite smile peeled over her jaw. "I will be captaining the Twin Strings, Mr Vor Tepwej" Inga spoke with ease, if anything with self-assuredness. Visvaldis lifted a smile back at her. "It'll be an honour to have a Sea-Mage in our company your majesty. I am sure that the Twin Strings is almost ready to weigh anchor" Visvaldis eased his voice out of diplomatic tones and into comfortable. Then the princess-consort leaned in closer to him. "Thank you Mr Vor Tepwej, for your discretion over a recent incident. I'm sorry for what you had to see" The royal highness whispered into Visvaldis' ear, feeling her warm breath tickle against his hair. Visvaldis rarely heard genuinely kind words. An grateful smile slid from his lips. "Thank you your majesty" before bowing to the royal as she and her protégé left to walk the quayside. Visvaldis felt better as he ascended back up the gangplank. He had a new spring in his step, maybe he wasn't totally stranded on this mission. As his shoes creaked onto the deck, a sleek caravel sailed past, with it's triangular sails unfurled and pushed taut against the wind. Royal authority flags fly it's bow and masts. Visvaldis pauses for a few scant moments, spotting a familiar face aboard the caravel. Vidasorjan stands on the aft deck of the slim vessel, not noticing the clerk-captain as he sails past. Visvaldis spots a woman in a black and blue half cape standing next the to king's agent as the ship glides out of the Harbour of Janis. Visvaldis is relieved. Letting out the tense air that he held in his throat and chest. He'd hoped that it was the last time he'd see Vidasorjan, preferably, for the rest of his life. "Excuse me captain" A sailor said behind him, lugging a pair of crossbows over his shoulders. Visvaldis stepped out of the way, collected himself, and then headed back for his cabin. He thought it best that he should get washed now. [hider=Summary] [list] [*] The colony fleet is prepared, three ships, the Battered Seal, the Twin Strings and the Elegance. Set off from the Sapphire City to the New World, with necessary supplies and materials for the journey. They set off from the Sapphire City on the 13th January, 1500. [*] An Envoy is dispatched from Vo-Spejlia with a retinue of royal authority members[/list][/hider]