The other was a young woman with dark hair and a scarf covering one of her eyes. Pegasus stood and said "Pharoh...I should say I;m surprised your here but I'm..." He stopped when Serena walked into the room. He stared at her, looking like he had seen a ghost. The woman moved forward and said "I am Sara...Mr. Pegasus's assassinate...Sir? Is everything alright?" Pegasus walked over to Serena and muttered "It can't be...your dead..." Serena blinked and said "I'm Serena...a friend of.." Pegasus took her hand and said "Serena...her seems fated did have it in for you after all" Yugi looked out the window and said " that where we are going?" Raph looked out and they all saw a huge dark cloud hanging over the area by the docks. Mokuba held onto his brothers arm and muttered "Seto..."