[quote=@Inkarnate] The moderators do not run GCS, dedicated members of the community do. It is not an officially made or officially sanctioned channel to represent this website by the administration. Any behavior that is out of tone or spirit with this website jeopardize the integrity of the brand; especially on a server that is the equivalent of the wild west. [/quote] I must admit I see little problems in this given that the moderators themselves have already stated they want self-governance in terms of reporting. I'm sure that the GCS in itself is not much different from that, especially if we can select a few trustworthy and involved people to lead the GCS. Although I understand the concern, I honestly think that you're putting too much thought into it in this case. If someone posts some shit on RPG that is out of tone similarly, that doesn't jeopardize the integrity of the brand right away. It might mean the moderators have to clean up their act a little bit and actually enforce the rules we have, but I was advocating for that for a long time already anyway.