A follow up to DC vs Marvel? There was the first era of Amalgam Comics that spun immediately out of the VS comics. Then came DC/Marvel All Access. That one lead into Amalgam Comics Vol. 2. Then following that one came a series called Access Unlimited. I *think* the ball is back in DC's court to produce another series but when Joe Q. became editor and chief back then relations became strained between the companies [Joe Q worked on Batman comics for a bit, and co-created Azreal, then Marvel stole him for Marvel Knights/Daredevil and the rest is history]. I liked the idea Kevin Smith teased years ago when Wizard Magazine still existed. He proposed a Green Arrow/Daredevil crossover since he was the reason they both became so popular again so quickly at the time [he wrote the first twelve or so issues of both books, one was the Joe Q Daredevil 'Knights series]. If you liked Amalgam Comics, the Access books give you even cooler Amalgams. All Access just had characters bouncing from both universes. Superman fought Juggernaut for two seconds, Venom tried to possess Superman, and Tim Drake/Robin had a fling with Jubilee. Access Unlimited had him crossing the space AND time barriers and formed tons of Amalgams from heroes like the original five Avengers, the original five Justice Leaguers, electric blue Superman, young heroes in the DCU crossed over with the original five X-Men [Impulse + Iceman ='ed Quickfreeze FTW!], etc... ~KL~