[@GreivousKhan] Naaw :/ I do understand your problem with the strange structuring, i often forget to add enough description so people know what i as a writer want the reader to focus on. Resulting in at times there are places where i have thought about what it is about, but never told the reader. Which is confusing. As for the armaments, i guess i shot myself in the foot with his background. Seeing i saw him as not having super epic artifacts to begin with. Also i guess i misinterpreted how powerful he was supposed to be. And for the magic Discipline. It was kinda a lot like. -"Wait, i'm supposed to do a magic school? Errrrrr.... let's do THIS!!" *Throws something together* Also there is some attack magic, i just didn't make any example spell. But you are right in it mostly being support. But, i'll see if i make an Exarch. I'll put up the Archon of METAL! For people's reading pleasure. [hider=Metal!] [color=9e0b0f]Name:[/color] Damocles one. [color=ed1c24]Titles:[/color] Archon of Metal, the steel god (self styled), the pillar of bronze, warrior eternal. [color=ed1c24]Type:[/color] Archon. [color=ed1c24]Rival:[/color] Many people dislike the harsh rule of the Archon of metal Damocles, he rules with an iron fist and accepts few failures and seldom takes no for an answer. Therefore a range of people dislike him. [color=ed1c24]Appearance:[/color] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IDTF_OJxwSw/maxresdefault.jpg The steel and brass warrior damocles is no man, he, or it technically, is a 2 metre tall clockwork machine believed to have been constructed by the Antidiluvians around the end of their empire. In his body is not heart and blood, but a raging inferno that powers his artificial soul. Perhaps did the ancient gods or beings destroy the Antidiluvians when they began to play gods? Or perhaps the Damocles was not made by them at all, but something completely different? Whatever the case, he appears as a blackened bronze warrior with a deathly mask wearing a lorica segmentata which gleam with fire from the inside. The towering warrior appearing mostly black. [color=ed1c24]Personality and Drive:[/color] He was created to do war, and that he does. If not on the battlefield he does so from a fortress. He often rules by fear or respect. Silence is often the most reward one will get. Failure seldom goes unpunished. He is methodical and logical in nature, considering and planning for a while before acting. [color=ed1c24]History:[/color] One day at eastern shore of Ethica, a simple fisherman found the entrance to a previously sealed tomb, as he opened it he explored inside. After some exploring of the metal halls, he found a circular altar with a massive mechanical man standing at the ready. Surrounded by a bodyguard of slightly smaller but still terrifying mechanical warriors of brass carrying long spears and massive shields of brass. As he moved forward, he could have read the letters, if could read that was, Damocles 01 upon the shoulderpad of the dark warrior. As the fisherman leaned in, he activated some sort of ancient button with his footstep. And Damocles awoke, stared down at the fisherman and spoke. -"You have awoken me.... you will live." With those words he took a step, the fisherman hid in a corner, and Damocles with a gesture awoke his bodyguard unit of ten brass Triarii. Then Damocles marched, with a sense of motive he did not know where it came from, perhaps some order by a long lost master, or a will of his own. He did not know, just acted. He marched west, and stumbled upon a village, which he kicked down the door on the biggest house and demanded from the poor fella inside where the ruler of this land was. He screamed the name of Exarch Gandur the chief of Bale. Damocles dropped the sobbing man and began to march. As Damocles began to kill every person he found which pulled arms when he approached, soon Gandur heard of the black Centurion with his brazen guard and sent a force to destroy him. A hundred trained soldiers, in trained formation formed and faced Damocles upon the fields of Drong. With a mighty battle cry his brazen guard formed a perfect wall of spears, in perfect unison. The soldiers of Gandur did not stand a chance, their weapons too weak and their training too poor. Damocles had not lost a single Triarii. Having heard of this defeat, Gandur himself moved out with his most loyal and potent men. And did the same, on the fields of Bale. Damocles faced Gandur. With the same battlecry the battle begun. Like the last time, Damocles force did not move, not even sway a weapon. As the exarch Gandur moved in, he rode his nightmare and charged Damocles personally with his magical spear. But before the spear would connect with Damocles heart, he grabbed it with his left hand, pressed it into the dirt which flung Gander far as Damocles shoulder tackled the nightmare. Its momentum was immediately stopped, crushing most bones in the poor screaming beast's torso. Damocles turned towards Gandur and took a new grip upon the spear. -"My mission will not be stopped, who is your master?" Damocles demanded in his monotonous voice from Gandur whom had broken his hip in the landing. -"I will not betray my Archon!" Gandur hissed between gritted teeth. -"Noted, You will not join my fight against Yoorm. The Archon of rule." Damocles added, Gandur was terrified and confused. Damocles simply shifted his position, slashed the spear and cut Gandur's throat, stabbed the spear into his chest and then left. Damocles had already learned from others the name of Yoorm, it was just his way of letting Gandur have a chance of joining him. Gandur, with a spear in his torso, surrounded by his slain army was a powerful message, which reinforced the legend of Damocles. He was unstoppable, he was immortal, he was a metal god! He has come to punish the weak! Damocles began to force the former subjects of Gandur to serve him, forming an army. He had a knack for forging weapons and armour. Which he taught a select few priest smiths whom were given the knowledge in exchange for eternal servitude. They became priest smith's later when the following of "The metal god" caught on. With these forces he faced the forces of Exarch Rholac, whom had been tasked by Yoorm to slay this nuisance. Rholac was slain in a brutal fashion, his burning head was shot with a ballista into the city which Yoorm ruled from. The siege lasted for a month. At the end Damocles forces had launched enough red hot iron pikes into the city that it was close to unlivable. Yoorm was tired and moved out to face Damocles. He formed his most trusted bodyguard and his forces and marched to meet the besieging force head on. But instead of facing the Archon in honorable combat, Damocles had anticipated this move, so when Yoorm rode out with his massive pure white warhorse with armour of finest woven iron. Damocles ordered the twenty ballistas he had closest to let loose. Archon Yoorm was impaled three times, his steed dead and Damocles forces now charging in to slay his pinned elite. Then Damocles faced Yoorm, throwing a spear into his shoulder, then marching up to the dying Archon. -"My mission will not be stopped, who is your master?" As he pointed his long sword towards Yoorm's throat. -"Lady Izalith will never yield to you. You have lost." Yoorm spoke with a snide smile. -"It seems you will not cooperate, unnecessary liability." Damocles then cut the throat of Yoorm and took his mostly razed city for himself. It was a year later when Izalith showed herself to Damocles, to study his prowess up close. Damocles took a while to notice the presence of the mother of night, but when he did he spoke. -"My mission is clear, but you are powerful. I must consider." For a day the two spoke after the brazen triarii secured so none could hear their master's discussion. After that day Damocles had vowed to serve the lady of night. She promoted him to Archon, seeing his already large following and might. He now serves the lady of night with utter devotion. To further his own goal. [color=ed1c24]Armaments:[/color] [i]The shield of steel.[/i] This is the nickname of the armour worn by Damocles, it is known to be indestructible as "No arrow can pierce it, no magic can harm its wearer" or at least that is what is claimed of it. How powerful it is remains to be seen, but the armour has deflected sword blows, ballista bolts and the strike of a massive troll. The armour has a great resistance to all magic, but is actually not immune to it. [i]The sword of Damocles 01.[/i] This exalted blade has slain two Exarchs an Archon, and countless soldiers. Beasts and men alike, it can pierce any shield and will cut lesser armour. Normal ring mail have little to offer in terms of protection against this powerful sword. I holds the form of a sword with a blade roughly half the length of Damocles. He wields only the sword in combat, to grab enemies and gesture with his left hand. The power of the sword is mostly an unnatural sharpness and force multiplying. The stronger the wielder, the mightier the strike. And seeing Damocles strength, the strikes are devastating indeed. [color=ed1c24]Mount/Other:[/color] [color=f7941d]The brazen guard.[/color] These now nine Trarii made from brass are a formidable fighting force, albeit a bit small. They hold skill equal to the most elite of soldiers and never hunger, nor tire. They are not as resilient as Damocles, but doesn't fall much short. [color=ed1c24]Discipline:[/color] The discipline of metal. This discipline uses metal and technology within its principles. It is especially useful when producing war materiel. With enough power, weapons of war can be created, weapons and armour can be temporarily or permanently enchanted and metals can be refined further with this magic than what is usually possible. The priest smiths of Damocles uses arts similar to that of this discipline to forge armour for the legion of Damocles. Armour made of lames of overlapping steel plate, in a cuirass which is formidable defence against most weapons. The practitioners of the discipline of metal are the only ones who understands the process of processing steel fully. [color=ed1c24]Abilities:[/color] Damocles is the most skilled in the Discipline of metal in Ethica. So he can with some effort summon siege engines and arms for his troops. While he could stand and enchant weapons all day long, he does not do so. Instead lets his priest smith's do it. From the palm of his left hand, he can shoot "Sunlight like that of the setting red sun", a powerful attack which can melt steel and severely harm men and beasts alike. But it is taxing to use. This is a natural ability for Damocles 01. He is monstrously heavy, few things can move him, especially since he now taps into the innate magic of metal. Which makes him as difficult to move as the mountains in which the ores are born. He can use this to his advantage, he also dislikes rope bridges and weak construction methods. He is monstrously strong. Can lift a horse with ease, topple regular houses with some effort. [/hider] Cheers.