[@Ariamis] Depends. How much does your vision align with the one Western Robot had? Do you find this starting-point an inconvenience and know a much better way to start it? Would you be bothered by not having the opening post in all three sections so that you can edit? If you're the GM, I would prefer to play in your vision, so to say. It would be much more yours if we move to a new thread. But, if it perfectly aligns with WR's, and we're fond of the development we've done so far, then there's no need to move. Though, I must admit to being a little apprehensive. You said previously that you'd rather not juggle two roleplays that you're GMing. I'm going to sit here and watch for now. Though, if we're continuing from here, we can still have that Mariette whispered those words and such. She might just shut all portals if someone tries to interact with her, including Victoria. I'll watch for now and see how it appears to be handled. Yepp.