[quote=@Cu Chulainn] I think that would be a bit awkward, seeing as Dietrich [i]did[/i] slay a few dragons in his time... then again, Type Moon dragons are supposed to be immensely powerful, so that could be one of the many pieces of his legend that I'll have to fix xD I think Dietrich may not even use Breath of the Dragon, seeing as his fire breath technically originated from a demon's prophecy. If that's the case, I might make him a mixed-blood of human and demon. Then again, I could just go a bit balls to the walls with the lore and go human and dragon, since he has quite a few legends involving dragons. [/quote] Well considering we've seen people whom have dragons blood have increased magical resistance (eg balthory and saber) it could be the reason that he was capable of such feats. But if you do go the demon route, the black horse likened akin to the devil could be his mount / noble phantasm which does work. Its all a matter of preference