Hey! So I'm CornixElecti, or Cornix for short and well... I've only really ever had RP experience on Wolfplay and FlightRising. I'm a little new to forums like this, so please excuse my ignorance. I've been a bit busy lately with well, real life stuff, and wanted to find something a little lighthearted or without a ton of responsibility (Like a pet game). That and I want a fresh start when it comes to the people I roleplay. Some stuff about me well... I'm down for most anything though I prefer fantasy. I usually type 2-3 paragraphs per post, but that is all based on what I was given in the previous post. I really enjoy character creation and while I am an aspiring artist, I don't create the visuals for my characters myself that often. I may make a few mistakes in spelling or grammar, but that's usually due to how fast I've typed up the response or autocorrect mistakes that slip through! ** I also very much prefer original roleplays, so not based off a fandom such as pokemon or a videogame. I like elements incorporated but not complete copy and paste with the only difference being the main characters!