[b]Little Tokyo, 19:42[/b] Nicole watched as the fist raised up again, for what felt like the eightieth time. This time, though, the big guy held it weird, and she noticed that one of the knuckles was sunk back into his hand. He was screaming something in Chinese. Again. Honestly, she was kind of bored. The little one she had hit a couple of times was holding her in some sort of crazy lock against the ground, bending one of her arms behind her and pressing his knees into her lower back. He was gripping her other arm at the elbow, and it felt like he was trying to bend it backwards by pressing it awkwardly into the asphalt, though it wasn't doing what he wanted it to. She supposed he was trying to break it. The larger guy had bent down, grabbed her hair in one hand, and was doing his damnedest to beat her face into a pulp, though it looked like his hand had given up before her nose had. Considering she suspected the guy was a meta, she was kind of impressed with herself. Every time he had hit her, she had slid across the ground a couple of feet, and the little guy had had to grip her fairly tight to maintain his balance. She knew she hadn't had to eat, or sleep, and when she had fallen down a hill the first time into a rocky ravine she had been sure it was all over. But like when her apartment had collapsed, she was completely unhurt. No pain, no broken bones, no cuts, scrapes, or even bruising. Afterwards, she had poked at her skin. It gave the same as always, but when she had tried to bend her finger back and break it, it had done nothing. And now she was beginning to realise that [i]nothing[/i] seemed capable of breaking her. She felt the point of the knife pressing into her face as the larger of her attackers tried a different tactic, but he quickly gave up. “What the fuck [i]are you[/i], little girl?” he hissed, holding one hand and staring into her eyes. Her only response was to spit at him, though from this angle she couldn't even land it on his shoe. The little guy on her back laughed. “She's got some fire in her belly, eh? Maybe we should take her back, break her in a [i]different[/i] way.” The big guy shook his head. “I ain't going to do anything to her. She's too fuckin' creepy. I can't even cut her.” Nicole took this opportunity to try and wrench her arm free, bucking and twisting as she did. The bastard on her back simply shifted his grip and pressed her face into the asphalt and half-heartedly punched her in the kidney, emitting a short gasp of pain when he made contact. “It's like punching a sand bag! Fuck it, we need to leave before the police show up.” The little one leaned into her, so he could talk directly into her ear. The closeness and the heat of his breath made her shudder. “Listen, bitch. We're gonna get going. You try and follow us and I [i]promise[/i] you our boss will [i]find[/i] a way to hurt you.” the big guy muttered. The one on her back let go and fairly [i]launched[/i] himself off of her, but she had no time to scramble to her feet. The bigger one had gripped her by her hair and lifted her up. [i]I guess that's an added benefit,[/i] she thought as she tried to spot anyway out of this. [i]I wonder if I can still get hair cuts?[/i] He was holding her up high enough to keep her feet off the ground, and the little one had grabbed her ankles so she couldn't kick. She could hear sirens, but she doubted they'd get here in time to save her from whatever was about to happen. They marched her over to a bike rack across the street, where the laid her down in front of it. Swiftly, the larger gangster twisted the metal of the rack so that it held her to the ground, taking extra care to make sure that she couldn't slide out by wriggling forwards or backwards. Within the span of a minute she had bars holding her neck, ribs, arms, stomach, knees, and ankles to the pavement. Glowering at them from under her prison, she hissed, [color=azure]“I'm going to find you assholes and I'm going to [i]kill[/i] you for this.”[/color] “Oh yeah,” sniggered the thin one, adjusting his beaten suit carefully. “Because we're so [i]very scared[/i] of a little girl.” He leaned down near her face and sneered. She took careful note of his pock-marked face, every detail she could remember. “It don't matter how invincible you may be, bitch. We'll still kick your ass every time.” Turning back to his partner,he laughed and said something in their language again, and they both took off into the darkness. From her new vantage point, she could see the damage to the building. The front wall of the place had blown into the street, along with the front area of the roof where she had been hiding. The rest of what was probably a dining area had collapsed after the supporting walls were blown away, but the back half of the building seemed moderately untouched from where she was. The street was also okay, aside from the rubble and glass, although there was one spot where her head had been slammed into the asphalt hard enough to crack it. A streetlight was also torn off near the ground where she'd been thrown through it. She hadn't been paying attention to how hard she was being hit, really. [color=azure][i]'s'not like it mattered. All powerful invincibility and I get taken out by a couple of [b]thugs[/b]. Waaay to go, Nicole.[/i][/color] She wasn't even certain why she had attacked the guy. Not like it was her building or anything. He had just seemed like he needed to get punished for being...what? Chinese Triad, wasn't that what they were called? Criminals, anyway. But unlike at her apartment building back home, no one innocent seemed to have been hurt in the blast. She just wanted to hurt them for being assholes. She briefly struggled against her restraints as the sirens approached, but it was fairly obvious she wasn't about to et out of this one on her own. [color=azure][i]Spend three months avoiding the cops, dump my Ids, get the hell across the damn country without once being taken in as a runaway. And now here I am, trussed up like some sort of fuckin' hunting trophy.[/i][/color] She groaned as the first fire engine came around the corner, lights playing across the buildings in front of her. [color=azure][i]Should be fine as long as I can avoid telling them [b]anything[/b]. Just like back home, really.[/i][/color]