[URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmkHqUwa4zg][COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]A R C H I B A L D S H E R I D A N:[COLOR=KHAKI][I] M O N S T E R[/I][/COLOR][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][color=silver]Friday, April 07, 2017 - 11:31 PM | [i]City Dionysia - Larissa[/i][/color][/sup][/INDENT][/URL] [INDENT][INDENT]A tap on Archie’s shoulder nearly caused him to jump out of his skin in surprise. Quickly regaining a grip on his cellphone, the young man panicked as he realized the suddenly jerk had sent his drone on a collision course with the nearby alleyway. Correcting its path of flight, Archie let out his held breath as he engaged the device’s hover, turning to respond to the beautiful woman who had stopped to talk to him. But she was already gone. Or rather, moving into action. Archie watched with wide eyes as the woman assaulted the police before completely disappearing from sight. The word ‘Hyperhuman’ was tossed out like a slur as the police continued to fall despite the woman being nowhere in sight. Suddenly shots rang out as the crowd hurried to disperse, the woman now reappeared standing in the middle of the crime scene. [indent][i][color=goldenrod][b]I think I'm in love.[/b][/color][/i][/indent] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“What was that about help...?”[/B][/COLOR] Archie asked timidly as he brushed his long hair back behind his ear, before pushing his large round glasses up his nose. [COLOR=ed1c24][B]"Get over here and take a look!"[/B][/COLOR] The woman insisted as Archie checked their surroundings before he too, ducked under the police tape and made his way towards the crime scene. [COLOR=ed1c24][B]"Won't have long until more cops get here, so be quick about it. I'm Claire, by the way."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“Archie.”[/B][/COLOR] He replied extending a hand before realizing that Claire probably wasn’t interested in formalities. Reaching into his satchel, Archie removed a pair of black latex gloves, pulling them on as he carefully bent down over the body. Tracing the wounds on the neck, Archie put his satchel down as he began to remove several tools to collect evidence. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“Just like the other victims.”[/B][/COLOR] He muttered. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“Neck tore open, body drained of blood.”[/B][/COLOR] He continued before reaching into his bag again. This time, Archie didn’t retrieve a piece of forensic equipment, instead what came back in his hand was a large tome. An ancient book wrapped in leather, metal casings on its corners and sides. The front and back were both bare, save for the aged leather. As he opened the book, its pages were dotted with deep descriptions, languages ranging from Greek to Latin to Sanskrit before changing to more modern tongues, the Romance Languages, Germanic and even Old English. Pages bore deep illustrations, some full anatomical sketches while others were only a profile. But every page was consistent in one fact, this was a book of creatures not of this Earth and while Archie only believed they were real, a true Venari would instantly recognize the book as a Scribe’s Bestiary. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“Here.”[/B][/COLOR] Archie suddenly stated as he paused on a page covered in Korean. The illustration stared up at the pair, a twisted visage with coals for eyes and a long tongue which hung down to the beast’s navel. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“There’s not much I can go on, I’m not overly fluent in Korean yet, but a previous owner did do some translations.”[/B][/COLOR] He explain pointing to the newer writing. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“It’s in French, but I recognize enough words to figure out the rest from the context. It says the creature rips open the victim’s throat before draining it of blood with its tongue.”[/B][/COLOR] Archie closed the book and quickly slid it back into his bag. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“What a horrific way to die.”[/B][/COLOR] He looked up sheepishly at the girl, his feet shifting awkwardly. [COLOR=GOLDENROD][B]“I mean if you believe in that kind of stuff anyways, otherwise what we have here is the calling card of a serial killer, and if you want more on that you probably shouldn’t have punched out the police.”[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT]