[url=https://youtu.be/bJasNm62ORA]Levi mostly ignored everyone,[/url] and when they headed out of the room, he went the other way. Levi found a corner in a small room and collapsed. His side slid down the wall and he dropped the scimitar he had been weakly wielding, which was weird. Shivering slightly as tears began to well in his eyes, he cradled D'ren's biceps and glowered upward. [i]Can I at least have some clothes?[/i] he thought, almost prayed, knowing the Worldweaver would hear him. But the question was, would he answer? And then D'ren's consciousness laughed at him. [i]"Get up, ye bloody coward! Me body ain't be seen slouched like a wet nancy, ya blimey poofter!"[/i] "You're not [i]that[/i] Irish," Levi whimpered. [i]"Oi, but still...I'll make yer life miserable if ya don't get up."[/i] "Where is that music coming from?" shouted Levi, his head snapping around frantically. "Damn it, Worldweaver!" "It's not just him this time," said yet another Ambassador. "Well, the music is, but he doesn't control the other characters..." If possible, Levi recoiled further into the corner as he suddenly noticed the new woman. "I - I don't know you." This woman was a light-skinned black girl and very thin. She wore blue jeans and a black and pink hoodie that said "Diva" on the front and back. "My name is Ginger." "What happened to Cor--? Know what, I don't even care. What's going on? Did another writer hack his book again?" "No," replied Ginger, crossing her arms, looking very indignant. "He's in a role-play." Levi grimaced. "And I'm the character. That explains the cartoons out there." Ginger nodded, moving her hands to her hips as she looked around the small, dimly lit room. "Yeah..." "This...why...him?" He pointed shakily to D'ren's body. "Why did he put me in this thing?" [i]"Oi! Not a thing!"[/i] Ginger frowned and sighed as she looked at Levi with sympathy. "He doesn't remember. He's sure he had a reason. But it's been like a week since he last posted..." "Screw this," Levi groaned as he got up, much to D'ren's relief, and power-walked out of the room. He made his way to the others as they turned the power on and just stood there, behind them. Still in his boxers. He clenched his fists as he waited to be noticed, a very obvious angry scowl on his face.