[@FlitterFaux] must say, I'm partially intrigued with the aspect of introducing myself to someone on another individual's introduction, but lol nice to meet you, regardless! [@CornixElecti] oh! Well then, still a greetings to you, and hope you can find an RP that you enjoy (or start one, if you're up to the task)! And don't mind the posting limit dealio, mainly meant to keep the spambots under (admittedly minimal) control, as we sometimes get plagued by those vermin. Its only a short break (of 15 minutes, if I remember correctly), and you'll be free to post to your heart's content by tomorrow! Of course, you would know that by "heart's content", I don't infer that spammin' away is entirely preferred, [i]but[/i] we do have a [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/forums/30-spam-forum]forum[/url] for that, as well! (some would take pride in this fact, others would like to see said forum burn. I won't state which side I'm on XD)