[hider=EXARCH: Manuel Skleros] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Manuel Skleros, Lord of the Free City of Ardaza [u][b]Titles:[/b][/u] The Many Faced, The Fowl ((pun pun pun)) [b][u]Type:[/u][/b] Exarch [b][u]Rival:[/u][/b] Manuel has a lasting feud with Kalon, both parties being all but polar opposites the only thing preventing an illegal war is distance. [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/db/47/fe/db47fe20c3f37a2cdd098ca5a87b294e.jpg[/img] The idea of truly [i]knowing[/i] the look and build of an illusion wizard is a tenuous and often untenable one. When such a wizard has specialized in the art of tricking the throng for the better part of their life, the proposition is outright ludicrous. That said, Manuel has worked tirelessly to cultivate a recognizable image, a visual identity as it were. High and defined cheekbones, clean shaven but for a closely trimmed beard, perfect hair all but frozen in place, Manuel's visage is one that reeks of design and vanity, but is seldom forgotten. Of a somewhat above average height and seemingly fit build Manuel looks to project an image of class at all times, wearing the finest jackets and rings. [u][b]Personality and Drive:[/b][/u] Manuel is a conceited and petty man, and he has always been one. That having been said, he is not a fool. Perhaps a result of his former life as a street urchin, perhaps a result of some conscious effort, Manuel is a rigorously cautious man. While he may lack the vast knowledge or refined wisdom of other Exarchs, Manuel takes care in every action and often finds himself gaining the upper hand on account of this. Fickle, amoral, and often brutal in even the most trivial reprisals, Manuel ensures that his most depraved acts are carefully committed and even more carefully buried. Once having nothing and now having gained everything, Manuel is surprisingly content in his position. Regardless of how grasping he might seem, for the moment Manuel is free to enrich himself beyond the wildest dreams of most men; for him this is more than enough. To Manuel what is good and just is what makes his pockets swell, and with the Empire looking south he would prefer to be exactly where he is. So long as the money flows the right way and he is left to his little fiefdom, then all is well and right in the world. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Born in the slums of the Imperial port city of Ardaza Manuel's earliest memories are those of being a nameless orphan, begging on the streets and suffering the beatings of those that fed him if he didn't produce enough coin. For many years he was nothing, an urchin, a rat, a beggar. Once he was old enough begging became pickpocketing, and sooner rather than later he was the one giving out the beatings. Life seemed to be following the predictable path, and somewhere inside he loathed it. The moment that would change Manuel's life came when his distaste for his circumstances led to him working up the nerve, and the gang, to rob a local Magician. Even though everything would change from that day forward, Manuel would never recall the old man's name, nor those of the starving boys the wizard took with him into the dark. Taking the old wizards tomes Manuel first taught himself to read out of curiosity, then he taught himself magic out of pragmatism. In the beginning the tricks were simple, a ball that doesn't exist appearing under the cup you want it to be under, an obnoxious fog before the eyes of a mark blinding them before the gang moved in. That was just the beginning. Before long Manuel was hustling card games, cheating travellers of all their coin and slipping away before they got drunk enough to do something about it. He became known in the taverns of the port and fewer and fewer would play, soon enough forcing him to escalate yet again. Manuel's first real rise to prominence came when he led a small ring of illusion magicians to con hundreds of sailors. Incredible deals would be offered for nonexistent goods, and the fools that swabbed decks all day would fall for the ruse time and time again. His ring of underworld amateur wizards expanding Manuel soon came to be a figure known among the huddled poor of Ardaza. He was a thief who would trick anyone with anything and for no reason at all, but he was a problem for the poor alone. That changed when the Exarch of the city discovered Manuel's ring fixing the local gladiator matches. Apparitions would be used to distract or throw off one of the fighters as an interested party desired, and Manuel and his gang would make off with a share of the gambling profits. Once his little operation began to affect the upper classes Manuel's time was short, and he knew it. Eventually the hammer fell and while his men were arrested one after another Manuel spent weeks in hiding, studying as best he could while his magic grew with the word of his crumbling gang spreading. When the city guard finally cornered him, Manuel was more than ready. Using all he had learned he managed to trick the thick skulled soldiers into arresting a chicken instead. Once news of the bird attacking the city's Exarch after it had been thrown at his feet spread, Manuel became a powerful wizard in his own right. The humorous tale spread far and wide, feeding his ability to trick the senses of others. Impressed by the young man's potential the cities Exarch offered to take Manuel in, to bring him out of the filth and shadows and to appoint him the successor Exarch. It was an offer only a fool would refuse, and the hundreds Manuel sold out in taking it meant nothing to him. Even when they would come after him in the years to come most would find themselves stabbing their spouses or mothers instead of their arch enemy. Manuel had gotten what he wanted, he had escaped the fetid lower classes and in doing so broken away from the typical path he’d come to loathe more than anything. Nothing would reduce him to what he was. Time went on, and eventually Manuel was able to orchestrate the demise of his former master. It was done subtly, slowly, and though many suspected it the day the old Exarch tripped down the stairs and didn’t stop his fall was never connected to Manuel. Ascending to Exarch Manuel quickly looked to sate the taste for finer things he’d acquired. At first he ran the city much like those before him, but over time he saw where there was more profit to be made. Deals could be made with certain shipping companies and merchants. Soon enough inexplicable taxes came to levied on some companies, whereas others found themselves docking without fee. Those who didn’t pay the new taxes found that contraband was all but omnipresent on their ships, and though they avoided criminal charges they were left to go to the next port without food or cargo. Local merchants soon found themselves the sole recipients of city contracts, so long as they made sure to send a gift to the Exarch every so often. With time these new arrangements came to be enforced by a city guard that looked out for dissent as much as they looked for crime. Those complaining too loudly found reason not to, and those stealing from the favoured local merchants found themselves without their heads. Ardaza is still the major trading hub it's always been, even with what many would call the Exarchs corrupting influence, and Manuel's rule has been left unmolested by the aloof Archon of Change. Manuel has managed to live comfortably, and has perhaps mellowed somewhat from his fiery youth. He still gets what he wants, but these days he’s far more careful in covering his tracks. Ardaza looks forward to the new southern war many expect will come any day, and Manuel looks forward to the next arrangement he’ll make. [u][b]Armaments:[/b][/u] [hider=Dagger of the Pit] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/97ac/f/2010/221/a/a/cat__s_dagger_by_aikurisu.jpg[/img] A sleek black dagger Manuel aquired many years ago while in the abject depths of poverty, this weapon has become almost synonymous with the man. An intricate web of spell work has made the weapon uniquely terrifying, for any that spill blood upon it are cursed. Perhaps a physical manifestation of the despair Manuel once felt, the curse that the dagger imparts is much like its name. That is, once a person has been cut by the weapon they immediately feel as if they have been cast down an endless chasm. Their vision will slowly fade to black as their senses scream of free fall, even as they stand precisely where they were before. The curse can last for more than a week, with few emerging from it completely as they were before.[/hider] [hider=The Common Man's Ring] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/11bf/f/2011/154/d/8/seri__s_ring_by_aikurisu-d3hxfit.jpg[/img] A simple if not grungy looking ring with a small line of crushed green gems embedded in it, the Common Man's Ring is a powerful tool of deception. Rarely used but undoubtedly effective, the ring can be activated with a simple three taps whereupon it will crowd the immediate space with seemingly real and tangible people. A crowd where before there was not a soul. The ring is ideal for escape, especially because the hallucinated crowd acts much like a real one.[/hider] [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Manuel's abilities are what could be expected from any master illusionist, though taken to another level. Manuel has specialized in the art of mass deception, the ability to make an illusion all but real to everyone who sees it. The applications of such an ability are many, but Manuel has learned one of the greatest ones is in the creation of false persons. A draining spell which takes not only magical potential, but creative ability, the construction of a false person is quite the task. In effect a false person is a collective hallucination. Seemingly tangible to everyone they encounter this false person is a construction first roughed out by the caster and then refined by its interplay with all those it meets. Often times a false person is indistinguishable from a real one, acting independently and seemingly making decisions. However, an act built upon the assumptions of the many is an act no matter how good. False persons can last indefinitely if their caster continues to replenish the spell, and they will always follow the orders of the caster. They can act as spies, deceivers, anything that can be imagined. [/hider] [hider=HERO: Nilos Metaxas] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Nilos Metaxas [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] (Are they a Mage? Warrior? Spy? etc) [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] (Pretty self-explanatory. Pictures or Description. Both preferred) [u][b]Personality and Drive: [/b][/u] (What drives your leader to do what he does? What is his or hers ultimate goal?) [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] (You know what goes here. Be sure to add when they joined the services of your Exarch/Archon, along with their accomplishments in your service.) [u][b]Armaments:[/b][/u] (Normally heroes will have basic or sometimes Enchanted items, however, if you have granted one a relic item from your allotment be sure to mention that here. Remember Exarch's only get three relic items to distribute.) [u][b]Skills: [/b][/u] (What they are capable of, note these are skillful men and women but are nowhere near the power of an Exarch. Think more along the lines of badass normals.) [/hider] [hider=Free City of Ardaza] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] (What is the name of your holding?) [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] (What is your holding? A fortress-city maybe? A major castle city fortification perhaps? A conjured tower of flames?! Tell me!!) [u][b]Culture: [/b][/u] (What are the people like in your holding?) [u][b]Description:[/b][/u] (Tell us all about your Holding. it's layout and design, it's function and capabilities. Everything. Damn it, everything.) [u][b]Laws:[/b][/u] (What are the unique tenets or laws you have established in your province?) [u][b]Military:[/b][/u] (What kind of system does your hold use to raise troops? What about their training? What kind of units could you call on? Remember this is grimdark high fantasy, So if you want pegasus knights or wyvern riders go for it.) [/hider]