[h1][center][color=#8A2BE2]H[/color][color=#8328D7]e[/color][color=#7C26CC]x[/color] [color=#6F22B6]J[/color][color=#6820AB]o[/color][color=#611EA0]h[/color][color=#5A1C95]n[/color][color=#541A8A]s[/color][color=#4D187F]o[/color][color=#461674]n[/color][/center][/h1] [b]"I never asked for death. Hell I never asked for my baby sister to be a witch during the Salem Witch Trail. But I would say that I was a warlock again in order to save her life every time."[/b] [h1][center][b]Basic Information[/b][/center][/h1] Appearance:[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/211937632236732416/222233300561952771/IMG_6900.JPG[/img] Other names: Joseph Alexander Reed Eye Color: Human-Brown Wolf-Pure Black Species: Familiar Age: 18 Actual-325 Birthday: July 31 Zodiac Sign: Leo Parents: Tituba and Jacob Johnson Personality: Hex is very loyal to those he trust. The man wouldn't do anything to hurt Hiji though in Angel's case he wouldn't mind betraying her trust just in order to protect her. The man still acts like a father towards those related to his mistress and this will continue to happen towards thee future, not matter how much CJ tells him not to. He enjoys spending time with his future in laws and helping them with home work and other simple things such as that. The guy dislikes secrets though he himself is keeping a very dark one from his lover. He tends to worry more about the future when hiding things. Ninja Outfit- None Weapons- Wolf Form [h1][center][b]Biography[/b][/center][/h1] When Hex was human his name was Joseph Alexander Reed. His childhood was fairly normal except for one thing; his little sister Sarah was a witch like their father. The day everything went down hill was during February of 1692. A young girl had claimed that the devil walked around the town through certain people and her uncle believed her completely. He had gathered everyone into the church, asked his niece if she would repeat what she had said, and which she did something unusual happened. There were sudden cries of pain or something of the such before a finger pointed towards someone Joseph knew really well, his own mother. The people gasped at the claim saying cruel things about her and some claimed to have seen her do witchcraft. The woman denied the charges saying that she taught the girl and her friends some charms to keep bad dreams away but since they were slaves to the Parris household. Everyone seemed to believe Abigail though when she became to shift towards his sister their mother screamed out that the accusing party was correct. The woman was then arrested for witchcraft and then took away. Joseph was determined to get the truth of what was happening though it sis come with a price. Since the young man was considered nothing but property both men and women used him for nothing more than pleasure and wouldn't tell him anything of importance. After what felt like a month of this the guy made the decision to see the girl himself. In the middle of the night the young man went to enter her room, only to be stopped by one of the Parris' male guests. The man smiled and brought Joseph into the spare room where they spoke and eventually were found in a very unexplainable situation. The guy told them that their slave cast a spell on him and that lead to his imprisonment. Later that day bot his mother and him were hung. Granted none of the townspeople knew that in a very dark corner his sister was making a deal with the devil. After he was brought back as a familiar his memories were erased and the guy was renamed Hex. When the witch trails came to an end Hex was instructed to made a deal with one of Satan's most loyal witch family. Hence how he met Angel. Over the years the man has help raised this troublesome witch and has grown to love her as his own child. Speech Color: [color=#8A2BE2]#8A2BE2[/color]