[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/A0ETWbS.png[/img][/center] [sub]banner credit to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/hellis]Hellis[/url][/sub] [Hider=mentions] [@Nitemare Shape] [@ShyDot] [@fdeviant] [@Hellis] [/hider] --- [b]Time: The Next Day - Evening - 7:00 PM Location: Las Vegas, Nevada[/b] The Ambassador, Mandate, and Bach had retired to a quiet hotel for the day. Relaxing mostly but gathering their resources. They debated heavily upon returning to Paris, Bach wanted to retreat to the safety of home to study the curious little box Hekate gifted to The Ambassador. While Odette made a point of reminding Bach that the White Witch was on the hunt for Gwyneth’s Sight, the item they presumed to be hidden in the box. It was another matter to unlocking the wards around it. Bach had sketched the box and it’s markings into Odette’s grimoire, while she wrote copious amounts of notes. Raising questions, debating on its origins, referring back to what the Oracle had said. Mandate filling lulls of debate with notes of her strange logic as well, adding to the conversation. Her perspective was strange, but it helped launch the pair into new avenues of thought. The TV was on in the background mostly for Mandate’s benefit, interrupted static and a slew of voices pulled the scheduled programming off to air it’s own message. [sub]“People of America, we find ourselves at the precipice. For far too long, our elected leaders and those who have been put into place to protect us from the threats that we face have failed to act. Instead, they have sat idly by and watched as freaks in capes, mages and monsters have taken the security of this world into their own hands. For the most part, the people have accepted the rule of gods amongst us, at the detriment of humankind.”[/sub] Sirens began to wail outside, several emergency response vehicles racing down the strip. The noise of that finally pulled Odette’s attention from her notes, she looked at the TV. Mandate watched it intently. Odette’s smartphone vibrated, the same broadcast playing on it. “[i]Tonight, we have completed multiple, simultaneous operations against known threats. We have also eliminated the organization known as STRIKE, for their failure to act against hostile forces. We will no longer tolerate the meta human threat to our world, nor those who support them. We will continue to act, until all meta humans, as well as those who provide material aid or support for their kind, are wiped from the face of the Earth.[/i]” “[color=thistle][i]Pourquoi?[/i][/color]” She muttered leaning her chin against her hand while she watched. “[color=thistle]STRIKE? Isn’t that America’s government run agency for metahuman affairs?[/color]” Bach nodded, eyes glued to the tv. The Hounds of Humanity banner flashed red across the screen ending the broadcast in ominous static for several minutes. Odette stared at the screen, silence stretched between the three of them. Not sure how to react, a chorus of panicked taps against the hotel window broke the silence. Bach allowed the hurried sprites of every element enter the room, some surrounded Bach while others swooped in around Odette, all panicking in their native tongues. One of the air sprites had enough sense to use Common Fey, “[i]My Lady! It’s terrible! We’ve been attacked![/i]” Holding open her hand for the sprites to stand on speaking in Common Fey, “[color=thistle][i]Please, what has happened?[/i][/color]” “[i]The club! Pixy Stix! It was a neutral ground for Faerie here in the city. It was destroyed by these abhorrent Hounds of Humanity. They set it ablaze and killed everyone inside. It was neutral ground, My Lady. Pixy Stix welcomed everyone through its doors, it-[/i]” Odette’s expression snapped with shock, she looked to Bach who in turn went from shock to anger hearing the same from the sprites with him. Bach and Odette without another word began to move, ready to leave in record time. Her heart rammed against her chest, she created a portal from within the hotel, not caring much for the conspicuous light. Transporting them by the guidance of the sprites, they arrived opposite to the building of Pixy Stix upon the rooftop. The destruction was absolute. Lights of emergency vehicles washed over the three of them as they observed from above. Her phone blew up with notifications, messages, phone calls going straight to voicemail. Pixy Stix and STRIKE weren’t the only victims of these attacks. The shambles of the building were hollowed out by the fire, invisible to the emergency crews working around them - were the Fey. Some were helping to put out the fires, a great many were in tears, others too scared to draw close. The sprites whispered on, iron was used against the Fey in Pixy Stix had not quite been confirmed. Odette’s fists clenched, her shoulders pulled rigidly. She sent the sprites down to the Fey gathering with instructions to bring them to her, away from the humans trying to do their best to control the fire. She wanted to speak with them, words forming in her mind on the heels of torrenting emotion roiling inside of her. The Fey’s emotion fueled her own. They met away from the horrifying scene, prying eyes, and possible danger. Welcoming them into her warded dome, Mandate stood beside her while Bach was to her right. Before the small crowd many were whispering curiously, others consoling. Motley of colour, spirit and Fey. “[color=thistle][i]My name is The Ambassador of the Fair Folk, we hail from Paris. Tonight I stand before you as a friend, this horror will be felt by us all.[/i][/color]” Her voice pulled the attention of most, she spoke raising her voice but the severity of her tone climbed. Odette’s eyes swept through the crowd, briefly catching eye contact with some. “[color=thistle][i]These, Hounds of Humanity,[/i][/color]” She pulled her lip up in disgust, “[color=thistle][i]have made a point of targeting metahumans and the magical community. I say they are utter [/i]fools[i] for earning the attention of Faerie. I look out upon you tonight and I see tears, bewilderment… Fear.[/i][/color]” She said noting the arrival of more Fey, entering through the ward. Her expression softened a little. There was a murmur of agreement, nodding heads. “[color=thistle][i]Grieve my friends, honour the spirits that have been taken away from us. We will not allow such an attack to go unmarked. For tomorrow…[/i][/color]” She paused taking a deep breath in through her nose, “[color=thistle][i]We will be angry! We will show the filth what it means to poison us, what it means to burn us. This is our opportunity to show them, remind them of an important lesson generations of humans have forgotten.[/i][/color]” Allowing Arcane Stream magic to surround her, billowing from her body on waves of rage. “[color=thistle][i]We never disappeared! We will not be cowed so easily by this violence![/i][/color]” The crowd’s emotion joined in hers, swaying them from their grief into a singular feeling. She had their complete attention. “[color=thistle][i]My friends! Hounds of Humanity will not escape our attention![/i][/color]” Roars of agreement came from everyone present. They marched out of the gathering area, renewed with untold amounts of energy. Many casting sigils, connecting with friends and family. The Ambassador lead the procession back onto the street. With a singular click of her heels she lept up to the pocked building beside Pixy Stix, staring down the scorched letters of HOH in the street. An illusion spell was cast over all the humans present, her appearance being blurred by smoke. Summoning the arcane stream again to her, Words of Power stirred the wind around her blowing the smoke in an updraft. Blue mist mixed generously seeping into the flames of the letters, removing one letter at a time, the flames seemed now to be in control of The Ambassador. Her brow furrowed with concentration, chanting the spell her hands lifting. The fire disappeared, smothered by the blue mist. The mist bloomed against the backdrop of black smoke, taking the distinct shape of a yew tree. Lowering her hands she stared up at her mark. A hatchet in the post. Her declaration. [center][img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DoyMcpznu2A/WOacW_YbdmI/AAAAAAAADvY/Vxor9_uChTY50qfYLPFBlaqIQj6NRNWQACLcB/s1600/130d961c3cd745dd492e2dbedd949fd0.jpg[/img][/center]