[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjAwMDAwMC5RbXhoYVc1bElFdHllV05sYXcsLC4wAAAA/rebuffed.regular.png[/img] [center][color=black][u][b]Study Room / School Library[/b][/u][/color][/center] [color=black]_________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=tan]Silence... the clock ticking away in the corner was louder then everyone else when that door opened and there stood the librarian and the girl from the night before. Blaine felt his chest tighten as he looked at her eye's, it was exactly like the night before, his sense quickly switched into feel everything mode and he was smacked like a tennis ball with the girls energy. His first instinct was to back the hell away as far as he could, but he didn't, he couldn't, no it was different this time, the feeling was different and he felt himself get a little excited although the reasons elluded him. When his vision wavered slightly the room switched from vibrant colors to the dim grey blob, Blaine quickly covered his eye's rubbing them like something has gotten into them to hide the light glow he knew was there. But even through his fingers he could see the girl, she shined brightly like a ray of sun, so much energy it was almost intoxicating. Blaine didn't have time to really question what he was seeing as his eye's returned to their normal view of the room and almost just as quick the girl was gone. As far as first impressions went that was exceedingly good considering the show they had gotten the night before. It wasn't long before Pierce the librarian shut the door and invited himself to their table. Blaine listened silently to his words as things seemed to make a little more sense. Well honestly as much sense as one could make from the drastic new events that were taking place. He let the words sink into his skull like a blade, so the librarian was part of an ancient society. Seriously what the hell was going on in this town? Blaine however had caught the words about things changing and that he could fully agree with even if he did not know what it meant. Casey ended up being the first one to speak his piece and in short it was a rather agitated response which was understandable but unnecessary given they had a chance at answers, real answers that were not speculations. Things went back to being quite silent after that and Blaine looked at Ash silently deciding that perhaps he would ask some questions. [b]"I am sure that Mr. Peirce has or had his reasons for not disclosing who he truly was, even if what he told us so far sounds a bit out there. But somehow given where we live I am going to take him at his word that he is who he says he is. I take no real offense to what your saying Mr. Pierce because weather or not anyone wants to admit, were just a bunch of teenagers playing a dangerous game, with that said what I want you to understand at the same time is that a lot of us in this room has lost a lot to the vampires. A lot of us have nothing because of it, because of this enemy, so if you intend to talk us out of fighting these fiends then your going to be wasting your breath. With that said don't underestimate us, we were up a creek last night that's for sure, regardless of this Slayer showing up we had a chance without her."[/b] Blaine reached into his bag silently and removed what appeared to a marble sized clear glass orb with liquid inside of it along with what appeared to be a small piece of stone. He set it in the center of the table so Pierce could see it, it glowed very lowly, the stone inside of it giving off the faintest sign of light. [b]"I like to call it a Holy Flash, its name is fairly lame and its fairly basic but its pretty handy in sticky situations with vampires. Seeming you have been helping us then I am already sure your aware that I practice magic actively. Looks harmless and to humans it is, but to a vampire its a bit more potent. When smashed the stone inside reacts with the holy water inside and makes a rather painful and blinding flash to any gankers within a small radius. Unfortunately I am not far enough along to know how to make one that can kill a vampire but throw enough of these in a tight situation and you find the odds can change. We have tricks up our sleeves when the situation is dire so don't count us out so blatantly."[/b] Blaine removed the orb and placed it back in his bag zipping it up, he admits it, Peirce sort of annoyed him the way he deduced them in such a cold manner. He had contradicted himself but Casey was right, he was not going to turn back and neither was Blaine, there were worse things then death at this point. Still it went without saying that they still came close to death last night, such tricks could only go so far. [b]"That said tell us what exactly is a Slayer and what do you mean things are changing? I have a lot of questions but if things are about to get worse, and given last night they are getting worse, then I want to know what we are going up against first and foremost. I'm with Casey I am not going to stop hunting vampires so you might as well fill us in."[/b][/color]