[color=fff79a]"Mrrro."[/color] chirruped Dodo as she a tad closer Thames. She extended out her head and poked Thames near the shoulder with her horn. After finishing this gesture she turned towards the orphanage and chirped, [color=fff79a]"Ppprrruu."[/color] Following this was another poke by the horn but instead turning to face the surrounding area of Dirt Town. "[color=fff79a]Pprruuu."[/color] Vocalizing these chirps Dodo proceeded to walk around Thames and stand off to the side. Of course chances were that Thames probably didn't even have the slightest inkling of what Dodo could've chirped out. Too many wanted to just go about using 'ape speak'; which Dodo did not feel inclined indulging others in. After all she had spent her life with pigeons and alley cats; their language was perfectly serviceable. Beyond those small bits of what could've possibly been construed as dialogue, there was little to nothing else that Dodo said. She simply looked around on ground level for anything she might've missed from the higher elevation. After a bit more looking around Dodo began pecking at the dirt below with her head.