Serge listened closed to her words and marked his watch for the time she said. A nod rose and fell his head as he turned his blue gaze to hers. Her words made him chuckle as he gave a firm nod. “Alright Captain. And don’t worry, your new found father is just as nervous about the whole thing as you are and I am sure he would be surprised if you the two of you suddenly became close. Things like this time take and he knows that.” A small snort left him as he put his laptop into his bag, “Your ex sounds like an asshole. No wonder he is your ex now.” He said with a nod before sitting down on the air mattress. “Do not worry, I am a good sleeper. Sleeping in lights is nothing new for me but I know what I am listening for when it comes to needing to wake up.” He gave her a gentle wave as he settled down on the mattress and pulled the blanket onto him. It’s hard to believe a client would be so nice. Settling in he closed his eyes and within moments he was asleep. Nothing happened that caused him to wake up from his sleep aside from the buzzing of his watch. His blue eyes popped open and he sat up on the mattress. A gentle sigh left him as he removed the covered and stood up. He had set his alarm for a half an hour before seven. Stretching into the air he wondered into the kitchen and began a normal process for him, having a breakfast in the morning. Within the half hour, the living room and kitchen smelled like a fresh breakfast casserole made out of cheese and ham. A sigh of happiness left him as he opened the oven and took a deep breathe of his creation. “Mmmm.” Pulling out the casserole, he placed it on the dish on the counter and shut the oven before turning it off. Pulling the apron off of him, he placed it gently on the counter before he began to cut the casserole into smaller pieces and placing them on plates. Taking the plates into the living room he heard her moving and let out a gentle call. “Good morning. Breakfast is ready.”