[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rxa8BBL.png[/img][/center] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Kaithas] [@NarayanK] Blue eyes rolled in their sockets at the halfhearted kick to the back of his knee. They turned to his left when Lauren's hands found his ass, eyebrows arching up a few degrees. Ben observed as she, quietly clearly, searched for something on Amy's person. Rolling the clock back in his head a little, it wasn't really hard to figure out what. Lawnslot would have been a lot harder to lose, so would the hand bag they'd bet on, which leeeft... [i][color=00aeef]Ohhhh, beautiful. Just beautiful.[/color][/i] He thought, for a second, about getting her attention with a tap on the shoulder. He'd been just as drunk when they got back to the dorm, but he had a few ideas on where it might be. Lauren hadn't exactly put much away before she passed out. Chances are her father would have found it at the dorm, anyway. But then he considered how the morning had gone so far, how she'd proven a point, how she'd searched [i]him[/i], and came to a pretty simple decision. Obviously the best way to make up for shutting her down earlier was to get back at her. That'd get her attention [i]and[/i] make amends. It was definitely what Lauren would do. Bastille's Cap moved a half step closer while they walked, reached over, and casually squeezed the seat of the pants she'd stolen from him. Once. Twice. And that was a score settled. [color=00aeef]"Pretty sure you put it in the dorm, babe."[/color]