[@Zahir] Anjelica smiled as she looked over the young girl and the man. It was sweet to see such a young family. "I was wondering because you looked really tired. I was just trying to see if you were lost or if you needed help?" She asked trying to hide a slight blush on her cheeks. As she spoke she could feel herself starting to almost drift out. [i]God I think I need help for that matter...[/i] She thought to herself as she tried to hide it. He asked her if she was okay and she tilted her head slightly. "Yeah...I haven't been feeling very well lately." She said trying to keep a smile on her face. Anjelica did not want anyone to know when she was feeling sick. [@Belle] Vischous looked over at the mother and child for brief moments noticing the mother was signing to the child. [i]Ah...that's why they haven't been screaming by this point.[/i] He thought to himself as he swung his sword cutting one lesser in half with out hesitation. He knew he had to save them. There was something about this family that needed to be saved. He looked around to check on the other brothers. [i]With the current number of Brothers here...the lesser's wont keep up the fight for long. They didn't have enough to even take one of them down.[/i] He laughed as he thought about their odds.