1&2. Story based, I know exactly WHAT you’re talking about. Not a dialy thing, not a MAIN attack, nothing. IT was a plot device to advance stuff. 3. People less powerful then Ultron, hell, Frank Castle, THE PUNISHER, have destroyed Starks armor or hell, HACKED it easily. It isn’t a great be all end all thing, and was probably a lesser suit anyway. 4. ‘Even’ in a sense he lasted more than TEN SECONDS at best before Sentry killed him. IT was not an even fight, no offense from Ultron, Sentry just MURDERED that platform. 5. Ares and Ms Marvel are NOT on par with Thor. Ares can/might be IF certain conditions are met, but not all the time. I dunno were Miss Marvel comes from, she’s REALLY not that strong at all…and even so WHEN Thor and Hulk are in the same fight, Ultron mostly focuses on them ‘cus they’re trouble, BIG trouble. 6. Your point? All I’ve read and seen are little bits of tech or things hidden so well Ultron wouldn’t be able to see them. THAT and even if he did, if Ultron LOST do you think it’d be hard for even yourself to pluck the small bit of tech out and just step on it before it grows? REALLY? Half of this isn’t even stuff I listed in the character shit. You’re tacking it on to something I submitted yet CLEARLY didn’t say and even when you did I knew Exactly what you’re talking about and what really happened. Nice Try. Well then, can I just remove it then? I put it there but Ultrons a robot, he can modify each platform to replace certain parts and again, it is SLIGHLTY my mistake ‘cus I just didn’t wanna take five days writing something that was already there. Also, I’m not mad, I’m responding in kind to what I think are dickish responses that hold no merits and excuses for..people I see who can FRANKLY beat Ultron given enough effort, tact, and utilization of powers and things. I don’t exactly like ‘passive’ or general aggressiveness and respond in kind to it when its about.