[@Metal Tortoise] Was Ultron's body actually composed of Adamantium? Anyways, here's my two cents. There is a general lack of sensible reasoning behind the character itself. Speaking from the perspective of a long time Clan Wars vet, Ultron having an adamantium chasis doesn't logically mean he can withstand 100 "MEGATONS" of destructive force. Just to put this in perspective: https://www.britannica.com/technology/nuclear-weapon#ref988610 That equals a BILLION TONS of explosive energy. Tech works on a different basis than Fantasy; as per its nature there is an actual science involved. Disregarding the adamantium itself, your titanium joints would not only get busted apart but likewise get liquefied. Then you gotta take into consideration whether or not the sensitive bits inside like your cybernetic don't end up getting baked inside that oven of a body. So the assertion of being able to survive that kind of blast is just absurd and devoid of any sound reasoning. Now, as for the strength? Yeah, I can accept that. And with regards to your mind control beam, I'd have to ask how something like that works. Cause in terms of like Magitech where you have Fantasy elements mixed in, that becomes more logically feasible. But to my knowledge, Ultron was built by Tony using legitimate technology that is present on Earth in the Marvel universe. I don't think any Mages were involved. (Unless this is some Infinity Stone stuff. I couldn't exactly afford to get into the comics so I just have the movies to go off of as a reference) And even then there's no promise that said beam would be effective against the other characters involved since that becomes a matter of you contesting the mental fortitude of your opponent's character. Personally? Ultron got his ass beat in the movie. So I don't have any problem with ya using him. There's a number of ways to screw him over. Your joints are all points of weakness in the frame, since even though Titanium is strong its not some kind of mythic alloy like adamantium. Elements likewise pose a potential danger; -Lightning can easily overload the internal systems based on A) how its applied and B) the amount of volts you're putting into it. -Fire could melt the Titanium. (Heat in general can and will always pose a potential threat) -You're just a machine and don't technically possess a soul, so someone capable of bending the element Metal could turn ya into a pretzel without there being much resistance. -Magnetism owns you. Period. And God help you if your opponent is any sort of competent Mage, cause unless you're using your OWN custom Technology, Magic Casters will 9 times out of 10 wipe the floor with you. Overall, the main issue I have with it/can see being a problem is that your profile wouldn't fly for Clan RPs in the Omniverse. There doesn't appear to be any actual heart going into. Nothing was seemingly explained which in any kind of Clan War, your opponents WOULD insist you explain how your stuff works, and not being able to would result in major penalties. Which from my old community typically resulted in one of the Mods showing up to smite you with their God Type character. Maybe if you had "YOUR version" of Ultron which was actually fleshed out? I could see that being different. Also, your general attitude and tossing insults left and right is just shitty behavior. I mean if you want folks to take you seriously, then present your case in a calm manner. Be intellectual and civil, rather than calling people stupid or idiots. Especially folks who didn't even have anything to do with your character getting rejected, I mean what the fuck man? That shit ain't cool. Respect is a two way street. That is seriously THE FIRST rule you learn in any iteration of Role-Play.