[@Vordak] My defintion/understanding of the tiers is different from most, mainly because the community I hail from focused more on Character Types rather than an actual defined tier system. For me, Low Tier is essentially the closest you'll get to realism; -Humans ONLY. -No Fantasy Elements of any kind. -Tech can range from Medieval Era to Modern Day. Meanwhile, Mid Tier encompassed the wide range of Fantasy and Sci-Fi Elements, though with certain restrictions in place; -The use of WMDs is strictly forbidden. -Cosmic/Reality/Dimensional Manipulation are not permissible. (Altering a planet's gravitational field, throwing worlds out of whack, collapsing a universe, hiding within pseudo space, etc.) -God Type characters are NOT allowed. (Immortal, Omnipotent, All-Powerful, etc.) High Tier stuff was reserved for either A) screwing around and going super crazy with your creativity and B) story related purposes that either didn't actually endanger the characters of unwilling players or in situations where players involved had given prior consent. Cause I mean let's face it, the minute you open the door and allow stuff like "Magic" (Which in itself is a VERY broad category) or Sci-Fi aspects, you can't really cherry pick. That was essentially the mentality back then. We can't deny one thing while simultaneously permitting another cause then you enter the realm of potential bias. The job of the player is to take a concept and translate that into RP terms. And typically everything was acceptable so long as everyone recognized that just because you can do something doesn't mean your opponent can't resist. No Power Gaming for us was essentially where one player can't assume/behave like their character is automatically superior to all other characters. So like in the event two "Strong" characters fight one another, you can't just assume that you are somehow stronger. You can't pull a DBZ and raise your power level to assert dominance. And because things like Speed and Strength are relative concepts, people can have different scales for said attributes. So the rule of thumb there is simply "No Power Gaming", do not assume everyone is using YOUR scale of power. But like I said, that was just my community. We were very open minded about this sort of stuff and it was highly encouraged players explore their creativity. Which is why I'm saying even though those might be your preferences, its always good to step outside your comfort zone in that sense. Because in doing so you expand your own horizon and that experience can and will make you a stronger player in the long run.