Belasý did not enjoy the training camp. She'd been through basic and various other training three years ago, and most of this was more of the same. But she knew they needed it -- especially the raw recruits. Westminster had been a disaster she'd seen coming miles away, and the fact they'd done as well as they had was testament to them being extraordinary individuals -- and not in the sense of having their wretched powers either. The team building exercises that made up the rest of their training were even worse, for all that she was trying to work with the others. She couldn't handle socializing as they did, couldn't manage to break out of her shell. And they could tell she didn't want to be there, that she did not like their company. But she wanted to kill the Germans more than she wanted to be alone. She saw the man with the thin build and the dark clothing approach their captain on his way across the yard. He wasn't a common sort, not at the training camp. Probably some sort of business, but he'd headed for Captain Stevens with deliberation. So business with him -- or with them. She wondered idly if something had come up. She got to her feet as the captain drew near, saluting smartly and following him inside. Izkry was quietly helping another young man with German pronunciation. Johnathan was very young, the sort of green idealist that would either harden up or end up dead. If he was lucky, he'd keep some of that bright outlook, as Izkry had. If not...well, at least he'd be better able to handle the fighting. When Captain Stevens called for attention Izkry quickly rose, draws ng himself up to his full height. The news of some bigwig turning up after lunch was intriguing, but first another run of the Currahee. He quickly grabbed his gear, catching Bel's eye as she slipped out on her way do the same. Her expression said that she thought something was up. Maybe they were going to be taken out of training early. Bel would like that.