My Character: Appearance: [img=] Name: Riin Age: 27 Gender: Female Ancient Weapon: Broadsword of Dev How did you find your ancient weapon?: In the heat of war, stealing it from a fallen lord and using it to decapitate him Personality: Riin is a very aggressive, and somewhat mean spirited individual. She hates people that use the excuse of being weak, having worked so hard to be where she is now. Stubborn, self righteous and even a little sexist, She's a pain in the ass to work with. Scoffing at the traditional, flowery type of women who stay home and tend to children as a front. The truth is she can't bear children. And despite how tough she may be the maternal side of her aches desperately to bore her own child. That being said, she is very soft hearted when it comes to kids... at least, when no one is watching. History: Orphaned at a young age, Riin spent a lot of her time spying on the knights of her kingdom. She essentially forced her way into the knights legion by challenging one of them into a duel, and winning. From then on she went on to become a squire, and then a knight. She has participated in hundreds of battles and a handful of wars, where she got the Broadsword of Dev. It wasn't until she was fatally wounded in battle and commited to the hospital--against her will--that she learned the truth about her body. She would be unable to conceive children. She had never thought about having her own child before and, shocked... Riin changed. She no longer stayed with her mates in the bar but spent her nights staring at the sky. How could it have all changed so quickly? That was when a passing fortune teller told her the story of Dormin, the wish granter. Her mind set, she stole away that night and journeys to the Temple of Dormin. Other: Wanderin' mmmhmmmhmmmmmmm. Her wish is to be able to conceive children of her own.