[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [@Demon Shinobi] Okay, now I'm done. [hider=Kohana, AKA, Grumpy fox that drinks too much] [center] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/1649/c9d95719b0eae619743fd14b2217041c49570392.jpg?1728076[/img] [color=orange][h3]“Urgh. It's not even noon yet. Lemme sleep.”[/h3][/color] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kohana [b]Age:[/b] 18, though she never gives a straight answer if asked directly. Could possibly be older. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Former Kitsune, Reincarnated as a Devil. [b]Ranking:[/b] [u][i]Knight[/i][/u] As a Knight of the Grimmond family, Kohana has access to greatly enhanced speed and mobility. She of course, when actually has need to uses it in combination with her pole-arm acrobatics, and Foxfire. While perhaps not on part with a Nekomata in terms of natural agility, she can reasonably be on par with them with the aid of her piece. Of course, she does have the natural weakness of the typical low defense. A glass cannon akin to a highly mobile flamethrower, so to speak. [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a fairly tall five foot seven, Kohana typically has long, messy black hair that is quite unkempt. She usually sports facial expressions ranging from 'pissed off dragon' to 'taciturn oni' or otherwise passive, neutral expression. She has bright, emerald green eyes with animalistic pupils that are typically arranged into a small glare or otherwise not too friendly or neutral expression. Her skin is a healthy fair color, free of most blemishes and markings that would draw quite a bit of envy from most others. Her body is fairly slender and athletic in build. As far as clothing goes...well, she's not exactly a fan of looking her best. Typically, she wears loose fitting clothing, and doesn't even make an effort to adjust her school uniform to be up to standard. She hardly makes an effort to dress herself, and often has to have her butt (quite literally) kicked into gear by someone. When simply lounging around the house her clothing most often isn't exactly always covering her important bits. Her left ear has a small piercing sporting a rather mundane looking earring, and her ears and tails are typically kept unseen when among other humans. If she can remember to put them away. [b]Skills:[/b] Kohana, despite her rather lax nature in training and other things is quite physically adept - perhaps a bit surprising for a Kitsune. She is adept at a variety of martial arts, though has spent most of her time practicing using a Glaive and other similar pole-arm weapons, and sports physical strength some might find surprising, though nowhere near the offensive powers that would be granted to a Rook. Has shown some interest in learning Lightning magic, but has made no effort to actually learn it. Outside of combat related skills, Kohana has surprisingly few skills, save perhaps...[i]sewing[/i] and [i]dancing[/i] of all things. She won't comment where she picked these up, and does not actively practice it them front of others. She dabbles in video games and computery stuff, and can often be found playing various things from the human world if she's slacking off. [b]Sacred Gear:[/b] N/A As a Youkai and a demon, she is incapable of possessing one. [b]Magic:[/b] [u][i]Fox-Fire[/i][/u] As a nine-tailed fox, Kohana possesses great control over fire. However, she is still relatively young for a nine-tailed, and its power is definitely not up to snuff as it could be considering her rather lax nature when it comes to pretty much everything. That said, it's still not something one should take lightly. She has a lot of raw power thanks to her nature as a Youkai and as a Devil and can often have explosive, sometimes, disastrous results. She typically uses this in conjunction with her Glaive, as well as surprise long range attacks or otherwise harassing a target from a distance if need be. Her favorite usage of it though is to either grab someones face and explode it, or impale them and roast them from the inside. She's not a nice little foxy when fighting something. [i][u]Youjutsu[/u][/i] A technique similar to Illusions used by Youkai. While she's never really bothered with the particular set of magic before, she is still fairly adept with it. Perhaps it is the influence of the being under the employ of the Asmodeus clan. She has at least, put in minimal effort in trying to understand and use it. As of now, she's managed small scale illusions, but its nothing exactly all that fancy and she doesn't exactly go out of her way to find a teacher or use it. [i][u]Transformation:[/u][/i] A side little power, she can change into a more fox like form though she hardly ever uses it. It offers no bonuses or real advantages, save perhaps intimidation. The form is a bit smaller than what people might expect, but seems to hold incredible agility and offensive ability in line with her Knight Piece. [i][u]Flight:[/u][/i] As a demon, flight is of course something she is capable of, and she makes fairly good use of this ability in conjunction with her Knight-class speed and mobility. [b]Strengths:[/b] - Kohana is skilled in a number of physical areas, consisting of pole-arm type weapons, martial arts, and acrobatics. She tends to blend such practices together with her piece for fairly effective lightning fast attacks on foes and to take them down before they even realize they're under attack. - Surprisingly, Kohana is a relatively fast learner when she puts her mind to something, picking up on certain things much faster than people would think of the slacker. This extends to learning things, as well as people and certain body language from people. She doesn't really use this often, but she watches people a lot - and after a certain amount of time you tend to be able to pick up on things. - Tends to go 'all out' in fights, most of the time. While she enjoys fighting to an extent, she tends to want to quickly finish whatever she has. She doesn't hold back, so to speak, and always goes for the kill shot. This can make her quite effective against foes that might be hesitating for some reason or another, but also it could lead to her becoming exhausted a bit quicker. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Above all, the most detrimental thing to Kohana is that she's a huge, unmotivated slacker. She has almost zero motivation to do anything aside from sleep, drink massive amounts of alcohol or soda and laze around all day. Where this behavior stems from is a bit of a mystery but she's been like this since becoming part of the Grimmond family. This of course, has the rather unfortunate effect of also affecting her training and abilities. She's far, far, from what she could be and she doesn't seem to particularly care. It also causes her peerage no end of headaches. - If there's one thing one people might correctly assume about Kohana, is her explosive temper. While it does truly take a lot to rile her up, once she is thoroughly angered, god help you, and god help her allies in calming her down. She can, and will, burn everything to nothing but ashes. Thankfully, this is a very, extremely rare occurrence for her. She keeps her emotions other than her wonderful gift of sarcasm and snark in check most of the time. - Drinking problem. You can almost 100% be sure, she has had alcohol in the last hour despite her young age and the fact she isn't even old enough to legally buy it, but what are funny human laws to a devil? While she doesn't get black-out drunk, you can be certain she's always at least a little on the buzzed side. This doesn't exactly translate well to combat situations at times. Though at times, it could help? Maybe. She doesn't really care. Someone could possibly help her kick the habit. - Likes to toy with her foes at times, and enjoys making them squirm a bit if she's certain she's got the upper hand. She doesn't let herself get too carried away usually, but it could be detrimental at some point in the future. - At long range combat, she's unfortunately a bit lacking. While she excels in close to mid range combat, range is something she's not particularly skilled at, and will likely never be all that skilled at. Like all knights, Speed and mobility are her greatest assets. If her legs become injured her battle ability goes down quite a bit, though she has surprisingly been working on using her wings to compensate for that scenario. - She hates losing. Absolutely loathes it. If a battle starts going badly for her, it can be assumed she's not going to be too happy and could lead to her doing something rather rash. [b]Personality:[/b] To put short, Kohana is a grumpy, cynical, sarcastic vixen that [i]really[/i] doesn't like people - especially humans. Oh, and can't forget a healthy dosage of sadism in there either. God help you if you end up either fighting her or on her bad side, she'll make your death painful and your screams will make her giggle maniacally. While she is hesitant to fight people to start with and dislikes the idea of it, its mostly her lazy nature speaking. After she gets started - its one of the few things she seems to allow herself to actually enjoy. Aside from that, she's not afraid to criticize anyone for doing something absurdly stupid or just ridiculously wrong. Brutal honesty is just about the only redeeming quality she currently has. Of course, her most defining trait is her lack of motivation for any sort of advancement in regards to her skills. If the rare chance she's with someone she likes, a somewhat playful side might manifest but good luck finding it. [b]History:[/b] Kohana's fairly young for a Kitsune, that much is fairly evident from her appearance. Once upon a time, she lived with her mother and father. That said, she's always had a bit of a chip on her shoulder, but it wasn't really anything too bad. She spent a lot of her early days doing a number of things people wouldn't expect of the current Kohana - training with both pole-arm, fox fire and other martial pursuits. Why? She absolutely loved it. Contests of skill, and what not, and bettering oneself. She was skilled to be sure, and she absolutely loved going toe-to-toe with other humans. Unfortunately, that love for such things quickly turned into frustration. While she was skilled in certain areas - she could never really grasp the finer concepts of it. Plus, she started [i]losing[/i] more than winning. While fine at first, this behavior quickly became rather grating on her nerves, and eventually she had a rather bad tantrum - ended up burning down the humans dojo, killing a few humans in the process. Afterwards, she quit practicing and started getting along well with some delinquents from a nearby school, quickly naming herself their little leader after thrashing the last guy. For a year or so, she was a pretty terrible force to be reckoned with. She got an earring, and could be considered your stereotypical delinquent - except a lot worse kinda since she actively picked on some of the younger kids. It was then a number of kids she had been picking on decided to do something about it. One of the old humans she used to practice with in the dojo got word of her shenanigans and decided to do something about it. They met, they fought, and she almost died because she didn't know when to quit, even when she was half beaten to death. Tsumiki managed to find her somehow, and offered her a chance. She didn't really fancy dying, but after that day it had a rather detrimental effect on her personality and she simply stopped trying at a lot of things. She's only been with the Grimmond family a few weeks and is fairly new to it, but perhaps someone could help get her life straightened back out. [b]Other:[/b] Definitely Akeno. Probably. It's been awhile. Likes Rap and Metal music, and can often be found listening to it. If you even think about petting her, so help you god, she will do not so nice things to you. [hider=Glaive][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m369vyU9x91rrjmgoo1_500.jpg[/img] The glaive she uses most often, is a simple, but extremely well forged piece of equipment given to her by her mother once upon a time. [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] may not be a co gm or demon but it looks nice I do have one question how many tails does she have? Kitsune are known to be varied among number of tails 9 being the max afterall.