[quote=@DLL] [i]The Luchalliance frowns on this vociferous dick trollery. As a wise man in a shell was once known to say, such matters should be settled on the field of honor, not in the sewers of OOC argumentation. To Metal Tortoise, I offer a bargain. Desist in this backbiting and stand by your words. La Maquina has been judged a fair and acceptable contender for this contest. As one android to another - prove your metal. Defeat La Maquina in a battle judged true and fairly fought by our fellows, thereby demonstrating both your skill in the ring and the restraint you profess to practice with your choice of character, and I will yield La Maquina's position to you. Fail to defeat her, or resort to uncouth methods in your quest to do so, and know the shame of the unmasked pretender. Show us all Ultron's power and your ability to harness it in glorious competition. Prepare for #LUCHAGAMES[/i] [/quote] I like the way you think. [quote=@AtlasRize] Hey, all, so here's a thought. Just bear with me now. How about, if you're not the player of the character in question or involved in running the tournament, you butt the hell out and not get involved in other people's business? Cuz if ya do, you're just being a dick troll. And nobody likes a dick troll. [/quote] Welcome to the Arena. You must be new. Lol