[b]Fallout: New Vegas - Points of Divergence[/b] [b]I. Intro[/b] What if Ceasar's Legion were [i]sane[/i]? What if they weren't complete monsters, or evil to the point of stupidity? What if they weren't built to fall apart once Caesar died? What if they, while still brutal and cruel, brought actual order and organization to their lands? Would things still turn out to be the same? Other questions are: What if the Kings were more fleshed out? What if the Fiends and Vipers showed the depths glimpsed in the original world? What if Elijah maintained control of the Brotherhood? What if the NCR's sinister reputation wasn't based on exaggerations, rumors, and outright lies? What if the fate of the Mojave relied not on one person, but multiple pariticpants? Why that last question? Because the Courier is dead... ------- Basically, the points of divergence, aka the things that make Caesar's Legion different, are first, Ceasar finding different books about Ancient Rome during his time as Edward Sallow, and second, Caesar not having a brain tumor. This results in a Legion that, while led and controlled with an iron fist, with harsh punishments for disobedience, is more sensible, more willing to negotiate, and more willing to [i]build[/i], in general. A Legion of order and organization, based not on slavery, but on the practicalities of landed power focused by a strong man at the centre of it all. The New Roman Empire, the Nova Roma Imperii, risen again and looking towards what was good in the past to apply it to the future. Your jobs, in this open world game, are to fight, explore, and interact; you can take bounties, sell food and purified water, take up arms in favor of a faction, and affect the larger story and world in your own way. What you would not be permitted to do, however, is cut yourself off from the world; no man or woman is an island, especially in the Mojave Wasteland. [b]II. New and Changed (Main) Factions[/B] [hider=A.) The New Legion (Alternate Ceasar's Legion)] Led by a less extreme, more rational Caesar, the New Legion has united scores of tribes, bringing them forcibly to the light of civilization. Settling his subjects in what fertile lands remain in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, as well as bringing what settled peoples remain under his protection, whether they like it or not, The New Legion is a more stable state than its canon incarnation, with its power coming not from wholesale enslavement and plunder, but from [URL=https://www.britannica.com/topic/latifundium]Latifundia[/URL] and [URL=https://www.britannica.com/topic/colonus-ancient-tenant-farmer]Coloni[/URL], large estates and tenant farmers with [I]slightly[/I] more rights than slaves. Not merely that, but veteran soldiers of the New Legion are given their own small plots of land that they can call their own, tend to, and as they are still heavily armed, even defend. But what happens when there's no more fertile land to give away? Well, that's why the New Legion still needs to expand west. Ceasar still feels contempt for the NCR and Mr. House, and desires to bring his version of civilization to the Mojave. Although more willing to negotiate and compromise on the outside, that is all to hide his and his new army's determination to take what they they desire. Due to being based on land instead of slavery in this universe, though, they are much less numerous than they were in canon...but also better-equipped, organized, and led. Even the minor soldiers wear armor and riot shields that can deflect small arms, while guns such as revolvers and cowboy repeaters a more common sight. The mid-tier soldiers have what the elites in canon have; brush guns, super-sledges, and ballistic fists, while as for the true elites, the true elites are clad in true bulletproof armor made from Pre-War meta-materials and reflective, anti-laser plating, and carry miniguns, plasma casters, and longer swords that emulate the late roman 'spatha' instead of the 'gladius'. As for their treatment of women, the New Legion does [b][i]not[/i][/b] treat women like cattle; they are allowed to defend themselves and to do paid work, but one sexist law still remains: Women [b][i]still[/i][/b] cannot join the Legion. And now, for the final difference from the original universe: [B][I]Slavery.[/i][/b] The New Legion does not actively enslave people. Slavery is still legal, and the Legion turns a blind eye to it, but slavery is a soldier's private business, and no effort is made to impede or support it. Basically, [i]this[/i] Caesar turns a blind eye to slavery instead of endorsing it, although he is glad for the taxes it gives him...[/hider] [hider=B.) The New California Republic] The New California Republic changed with the assassination of President Aaron Kimball, a corrupt and imperialist war hawk who was overextending the NCR's resources. Led by a new President, Lucita Blake, the NCR has began waging a crackdown on corruption, special interests, and straightening out its bureaucracy, while at the same time foregoing the brute-force tactics it was using on the Mojave...in favor of cloak-and-dagger tactics like assassinations, deception, and subversion in order to get its way anyway. Keeping the gruding loyalty of Chief Hanlon, the NCR has a less open, but much deeper grip on the affairs of the region than ever before. Subfaction: The NCR Secret Service - Once the bodyguards of the President, the NCR Secret Service has been expanded to much, much, more. An elite group that does to urban areas and settlements what the NCR Rangers do with countryside settings, the Secret Service is a technologically advanced force that uses Stealth Boys, Anti-Materiel Rifles, Gauss Guns, and Laser Pistols to conduct assassinations and raids all across the Mojave. Subfaction 2: The Cabal - A group of businessmen, diplomats, and investors whose goal is to establish control of the Mojave's riches, the Cabal spreads money around like water, and tosses out blackmail information like candy. Normally, Mr. House would be preparing a harsh response to this... If not for the fact that the Cabal's mysterious head has gained knowledge of [i]Robert House's[/i] Pre-War life and career himself... [/hider] [hider=C.) Mr. House] An enigmatic genius who has kept the Mojave Wasteland together, Mr. House is brilliant, charismatic and utterly ruthless. However, in this universe, he has to play smarter and more clever than he had ever done before, due to a sane Caesar and more ruthless and less corrupt NCR after the riches of the Mojave. But in this case, he has help, [i]able[/i] help, in the person of the Muted Man, a mysterious figure acting as his hand. With numerous contacts and resources, this subordinate might be the key to ensuring that the house would always win, even with these new circumstances. [/hider] [b]III. Rules[/b] [hider] 1.) No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. etc. 2.) Note, there will be sexual themes in this RP, but anything above nudity is forbidden, because I don't want us to get banned. 3.) No OOC feuding! If you must argue, be respectful. IC, meanwhile, you can hate each other as much as you like as long as it doesn't seep over to OOC. 4.) You can control NPCs when I explicitly say that you can control them. 5.) That said, you are allowed to create two major NPCs, with Special Stats of their own, as well as the player character. 6.) Please notify me if you will be gone longer than a few days, I myself will let you guys know if I will be gone. 7.) I reserve the right to kill off Custom Factions made by inactive Players, or fold them into a larger faction. Same for characters. [/hider] [b]IV. Character Sheet Skeleton[/b] [hider] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] [u][b]Looks:[/b][/u] (picture optional) [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [u][b]Faction[/b][/u] [color=fff79a][u][b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L[/b][/u][/color]= (45 Points spread wisely. Cannot go over 10 on any one stat) [b]Strength:[/b] [b]Perception:[/b] [b]Endurance:[/b] [b]Charisma:[/b] [b]Intelligence:[/b] [b]Agility:[/b] [b]Luck:[/b] [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] [u][b]Weapon choice:[/b][/u] [u][b]Perks (Add only three):[/b][/u] [u][b]'Tagged' Skills (the skills you are strongest in; add only three unless you add a 'Weak Skill', see below):[/b][/u] All other skills are assumed to be average unless you want to take a 'Weak Skill'. [u][b]'Weak' Skills (the skills you are weakest in, add only if you want more 'Tagged' Skills):[/b][/u] [u][b]Any other info not included in the above:[/b][/u] Post the CS in OOC and once accepted then you can move it to the Characters Tab. [/hider]