[@Scarifar] [color=fff200]"Well I wouldn't say that is much of a hobby but if that's what you like then that's what you like. It's not my place to judge. Though if I could be so bold as to say you should consider looking around for more stuff to do. Like I enjoy fitness I got out and run before classes each morning."[/color] Ben stated to Michelle as he considered where he was leading her. It wasn't exactly much to go on but he suppose he could plant his cards in any room and then pretend he left them. [color=fff200]"Also come on perk up a bit I don't bite...well I bite my food but that's besides the point. I think I may have left dropped my cards somewhere around the halls, or in the gym. If you don't want to look in such a big place that's fine with me too. I mean you don't even know me all too well. I'm also kind of 'that guy' on campus after that big speech I gave at the start of the semester. But if you're willing to cooperate I'll buy you a soft drink after school sound good?"[/color] Ben said fully aware the girl had already accepted his request for help earlier. However he felt bad leading her on like this the least he could do was buy her some drinks if she kept chilling with him. At worse he'd be playing hooky in the gym for a few minutes. At best he'd make a new friend. In either occasion he really should make this quick Michelle would get in trouble if he took advantage of her kindness for too long.