[hider=Fallen Ranger] [b]Name:[/b] Jessica Fairbright [b]Nickname:[/b] [i]"Virgo"[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Looks:[/b] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/2795/i/2011/035/2/f/fallout___ranger__mio_akiyama_by_xzdisturbedzx-d38s3sf.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Calm, friendly, precise, helpful, loyal. [b]Faction:[/b] Independent [b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L:[/b] [list] [*] Strength: 4 [*] Perception: 9 [*] Endurance: 8 [*] Charisma: 6 [*] Intelligence: 7 [*] Agility: 6 [*] Luck: 5 [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Jessica Fairbright had been a rising star in the NCR military, six years ago - she had been slotted as one of the best gunslingers in her time in the NCR army. While lacking skills with firing a rifle and a dislike of rules - she made it up for her great mind, strong will and precise aim with a revolver. Instead of having her drop out - due to not, meeting certain Army standards. Instead at the age of nineteen she had been slotted to the NCR Rangers - becoming one of the youngest Rangers to date, to join the organization. Despite them being all volunteer-based, their skill-set needed to many and very good. Two years and several succesful missions later - she was on a fast track road to becoming the youngest to gain her Veterancy. Although her path had been cut short - once news reached about her brother being in trouble. Namely both her and her older brother - had been orphaned when Jess had been sixteen and her brother at twenty-one. Namely due to a caravan attack gone bad. Her brother had taken care of her, for about three years - after which she joined the NCR Army. While her brother moved on as prospector. Her brother had run amock against some Cabal agents - since he had discovered a piece of valuable Old-War technology and had been upto delivering it to the Followers of the Apocalypse. Namely the charity group having helped the family out during their initial years - however the Cabal captured him instead and due to the value of the tech; they had him fake-charged and hanged for treason. Jessica heard about this situation that had happened, and investigated her brother' charges. She hadn't managed to scratch much of the surface - only finding rumors that the NCR in some way had set up her only family left. Albeit, before she could report this forward - the Cabal, also called-up charges on Jessica; in-order to silence her from investigating further. In that regard, Jessica managed to kill her attackers and flee East. She kept travelling in the Mojave Wasteland, always on the move and alert for any Cabalists. [b]Weapon choice:[/b] .44 Magnum revolver [b]Perks (Add only three):[/b] [list] [*] Gunslinger [*] Toughness [*] Paralyzing Palm [/list] [b]'Tagged' Skills:[/b] [list] [*] Guns [*] Survival [*] Medicine [/list] [/hider]