A highschool DxD RP sounds like quite the enjoyable change of pace to my routine, so... Guess I'm just posting an old character as soon as i finish adapting him. [s]and then forget about posting the reply and announce my interest while posting the character. Great job, Spanner.[/s] Anyway, I guess I'm done with editing stuff... [@Demon Shinobi] Tell me your thoughts. [hider=Siegfried Einhardt Aka Troublesome Guy] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Gilgamesh.full.1270188.jpg[/img] [hider=Extra Image] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GnlqRnr.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=aba000]“It's not that I'm overconfident or anything like that, you're just too weak."[/color][/center] [b]Name: [/b]Siegfrid Einhardt (Human Name); Annarr Fafnir (True Name) [b]Age: [/b]17 (Self-declared); 680 (True Age; Mostly passed while sealed) [b]Gender:[/b] Male Race: Dragon - Reincarnated Devil [b]Ranking:[/b] Pawn (5 with 1 being a mutated piece) [b]Appearance:[/b] Sieg's human form is that of a tall and dignified young man with a golden hair and a well-proportioned body, standing at a height of 182 cm (6'0") with a weight of 68kg (150lbs). He is described as handsome with an elegant face, and his eyes, crimson like blood with slitted pupils, are visibly not those of a human and are said to give off a mysterious radiance that naturally intimidate others. That being said, he's actually quite lax when it comes to maintaining his appearance, hardly caring about choosing clothing and dressing in a casual way, as he personally thinks that he'll look fine even if dressed in rags. Due to his curse, crimson lines glow all over his torso whenever he starts to use his powers. As a Dragon, he described himself as a being that has a "perfect, Golden-proportioned body emanating majesty that makes flames surrounding him afraid to come close as his very soul glows golden". To which extent this is true is currently unknown, as he doesn't have the capacity of reverting to his Dragon form while cursed. [b]Skills:[/b] Siegfried is quite the skilled combatant, having an ample variety of combat skills either in the magic or physical side, being capable of handling efficiently multiple kinds of weapons and magic to assume any position at the battlefield, be it long or close range based - a speciality beffiting of a pawn, that is quite adequated for the position of Jack of all trades. Excluding his combat oriented skills, Sieg is quite the skilled musician, being proficient in playing violin and piano, and has some culinary skills, albeit not to the extent where someone would voluntarily choose him as the cook. Due to his racial characteristics, he's also quite the fast learner and can easily master anything that he finds worthy of his attention, albeit hardly dedicated to effectively learn new stuff after 600 years doing nothing but training, favouring playing around instead of effectively using his time. [b]Sacred Gear: [/b]N/A [b]Magic:[/b] [i][u]Dragon Flames:[/u][/i] As a Dragon and the offspring of a Dragon King, Siegfried is naturally capable of using Dragon Flames, often using them as a form of attacking by generating strong blasts and fireballs and throwing them against his enemies. While this would be normally quite the overwhelming abilitie, it is currently unable to unleash it's true strength, merely reaching the mid-class in power and hardly being able to seriously damage a high-class devil. [i][u]Golden Aura:[/u][/i] One of the abilities inherited from his father, Siegfried is capable of emitting a golden solid-like aura capable of negating his enemies power, acting as his main form of defense. While this aura could be used for attack, as it can physically damage his enemies, he hardly uses it like that, favouring using it foe defense and usually using it for minor things such as grabbing objects far from him or support himself to fight flying enemies. Currently, his aura is still considerably fragile because of the curse, merely reaching the top of mid-class in defensive prowess. [u][i]Treasure Summoning:[/i][/u] Being his Father's descendant, he is capable of using his power to summon objects from his treasure trove of legendary weapons, normally using them as projectiles for long range attacks or directly wielding them in close range battles. That being said, he's currently unable to call most of the powerful weapons of his father's trove, being mostly incapable of taking items that can effectively damage a supreme being from it. [i][u]Outrage: [/u][/i]When deeply angered, Siegfried is capable of forcefully entering a berserk-like mode common to most of the powerful dragons, being able to directly overwhelm his curse for a limited timespan while relying purely in physical strength, directly entering the a level above any high-class but still under the supreme class. This ability has the side effect of causing his draconic traits to surface, spurting scales all over his body, growing claws out of his hands and growing a pair of golden wings in his back, giving him the capacity of flight. [b]Magic:[/b] While he isn't especially capable when it comes to true magic - Not inherited from his parent - he is at least capable of using it to a certain extent, showing the capacity of using his father's Golden Dragon Gate. [b]Curse:[/b] While he currently doesn't have the capacity of using this ability, he's supposed to have inherited his father's cursing ability. [b]Strengths:[/b] - As a former Dragon, Sieg has an immense physical strength and durability even in his human form, to the point of, when promoted to rook, being able to directly breaking barriers made by high-class devils while solely depending on physical prowess - feat that would be considered hard to reproduce even by rooks in the same class. - As a Dragon, a being that is made out of a massive amount of energy, Siegfried hardly becomes exhausted during fights and has quite the powerful vitality, to the point where he could effectively stay awake for three whole days without getting any side-effect from sleep deprival. That being said, he hardly would demonstrate that in practice, as he pretty much values his sleeping time. - Due to the long period that he passed sealed inside his father's treasury, he came to master the handling of quite the variety of weapons, being fairly capable with most of the known cold weapons. He also appears to have a natural ease when it comes to adaptating to the use of new weapons. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - While he currently doesn't have all the power he had in the past, Sieg is inherently an prideful being, having a natural tendency towards diminishing his enemies by restricting the power he uses during fights and often letting his guard low "Just for fun". - As the offspring of one of the five Dragon Kings, Sieg would normally have a power that, while not comparable to a Satan, equals a supreme devil but, due to the curse that trapped him in a human-like body, he's currently deprived of most of his power, barely equalling a high-class devil. - Being originally stronger than the one he now calls as king, Sieg has quite the difficulty when it comes to accepting orders, often refusing to do anything at all unless given a strong reason to do so. - Due to his own nature as a Dragon, he appears to hold some serious obsession with treasures, often going out of his way to acquire things he consider as treasures. Unfortunately for the other members of the group, he doesn't especially care for the fact that treasures usually have owners, often causing trouble because of his tendency of simply taking what he wants without caring about their owners. That being said, he does cares a lot whenever someone is suicidal enough to steal anything from him. [b]Personality:[/b] For those seeing him for the first time, Siegfried often pass the impression of a unruly individual, doing whatever he wants whenever he wants without giving a single thought about anyone else and boldly ignoring anyone that tries to stop him, in short: A total delinquent. That being said, this impression is not that far from being the essence of the male known as Siegfried, as, in despite of his normal act, he is pretty much an example of a carefree person, hardly caring about anything but his own amusement and - Sometimes, when he has the time - his companions. Siegfried is often seem by the other members of the Grimmond Peerage as someone hard to control, hardly following their king's order without a lot of negotiation, and somehow selfish, often causing trouble by himself and involving the others members in random disputes thankfully to his own mischiefs. Deep inside, Siegfried does care for the few individuals that he can consider as friends - albeit hardly demonstrating that - enjoying their companies and often demonstrating being worried about their safety during battles, even if the individual himself refuses to acknowledge that. He is rather known by his acid way of helping others, often giving tips in the form of mocking or even teasing. [b]History:[/b] It's not hard to guess when everything started to get bad for the man now known as Siegfried, as it all started from the moment of his birth. Being the offspring of a Dragon King and a powerful being since the very first moment of his life, Annarr - or Siegfried, as he now calls himself - was quite thr troublesome person from a young age, having a naturally unruly personality and a tendency of causing chaos and attracting enemies whenever he was left alone for more than a few days, being a trouble maker known by pretty much the whole underworld. That being said, he always had a single entity preventing the many people who wanted to harm him from doing what they wished: His father, Fafnir. While the Dragon King was indeed eccentric and not exactly a good example of sanity since coming back from death by the hands of Odin, the legendary Dragon never failed to accomplish his duty as a parent, managing to maintain his unruly spawn safe for most of his life... That is, until the day where he was obliged to imprison him for six centuries. It all started as everything else in Siegfried's life starts: with a treasure. The treasure in question was an item known by many: Dromi, the second chain that failed to hold Fenrir, a magnificent feat of engineering from an old blacksmith that while couldn't hold the great wolf, had no troubles with holding back anyone under the Satan level. The problem was that the chain had an owner that could hardly be considered as easy to get past by: A devil duke named as Levi, specialized in curses and witchcraft. That being said, this didn't appear to hold the young dragon - that now was about to complete his eighty year of life - As he didn't care for the consequences and directly stole the item that he desired, running away from the enraged devil and hiding under his father's protection. Unfortunately for him, this wasn't exactly the wisest decision of his life, as the devil directly complained to the Satan above him, pleading for his help to uphold justice. Under the pressure of the four great Satans of the past, Fafnir had no choice other than punishing his child, recently locking him inside his treasure trove as a way of not only punishing him but protecting him from the devil that wished to take his life. For the subsequent 600 years, Siegfried quietly waited for an opportunity of leaving the inside the trove, that finally came with the disappearance of his father in the recent times, that allowed him to take control of the trove - that was more a dimensional domain than a physical place - and finally taste his freedom. Unfortunately for him, he did choose the wrong person to offend after all, as the devil duke patiently waited for the day where he finally achieved freedom to ambush him and start a fierce battle that Siegfried somehow managed to win by using the power of Outrage, the most valuable ability of the Dragon clan. Unfortunately, the victory wasn't sweet as his enemy managed to curse him in his last breath, sacrificing his life to suppress the Dragon, that couldn't defend himself in his wounded state, and possibly take him to the grave with him. It was them that the young Tsumiki Grimmond appeared, offering him a chance of survival in exchange of his loyalty, chance that Siegfried couldn't refuse. Since then, two years have passed by and the once unruly Dragon turned into a... Well, fairly unruly Devil trying to deal with the curse that currently holds his strength as a hostage inside his own body while trying to adapt to his new life under the Grimmond Peerage. [b]Other:[/b] - He's surprisingly weak against cute small animals and anything that reminds him of them, having a soft spot when it comes to anyone that fits in this category. - While he's mostly a jerk, he is known to hate unfairness and is unable to see people taking advantage of others weaker than them. No need to say that this is part of the reason for him being disliked by most of the delinquents of the city. - While he is tremendously confident and doesn't exactly avoids demonstrating that, he actually hates baseless arrogance to an abnormal extent. - He appears to be terrified of children, as he is utterly incapable of dealing with them and yet is conscious of the fact that he can't merely throw them away. My favorite character is - pretty much - Odin. Anyone that manages to convert a Dragon king into a panty maniac deserves my respect. Kek. [/hider]