[center][h1] [color=#B0C4DE]Rayes'Xum[/color] &[color=olive] Rol'Narris[/color] [u][color=#B0C4DE]Quarian[/color][color=olive]Inquiry[/color][/u][/h1][/center][hr] Rol'Naaris had been up since two in the morning due to his nightmare about the war. It was not the usual dream where the ship that he's surrounded by Reapers and get eaten alive or how his suit suffered enough damage that it killed him. No, it was something completely different. He could not remember the dream at all (because he wanted to forget about the horrible nightmare); however, he heard wailing and groaning from the background. Of couse, that was one of many reason why he woke up during the night. And why he refused to go back to sleep. To occupy his mind, he went out for a night walk towards the coastline and watched the sea from a hour. Afterwards, he went back to his hotel room and typed on his omni-tool. Rol'Naaris wished that he had some sort of laptop so he could type his thoughts on a bigger screen. And that took up most of him time until the morning came. It was almost seven when the quarian decided to check on the other quarian. Rayes, the other quarian, was like some quarian that he knew during the war. Scared of anyone besides other quarian. That did not stop Rol'Naaris for trying to show Rayes that no all aliens were xenophobic. And Alexandria was a perfect example of that—among with any other cities and towns located within the deserts of Earth. He approached the door to Rayes' room and knocked on it. [color=olive]"It is seven o'clock. Are you awake?"[/color] Rol'Naaris asked while his robotic voice made it obvious that he was at the door. Rayes had been laying in the bed of his apartment, staring up at the ceiling for quite some time now. In fact, he hadn't really slept all that much last night, falling in and out of sleep due to the nightmares that seemed to come each time he closed his eyes. It was rather torturous, if he was being truthful. And though he wanted to have something to ease his mind, he didn't think his toxin filters would be able to withstand much more abuse. Of course, they could easily be replaced but, on a bright side, at least the aching was gone. In fact, despite being tired, things were relatively peaceful... Except, you know, when the knocking came on his door, followed by the sound of a Quarian voice. Keelah, it was only seven! Do military people always get up so early? If it wasn't for the fact he really couldn't sleep, he'd have been dozing off still. Forcing himself to his feet, he took a big sigh as he recalled his situation. Stuck on Earth with another Quarian who, like many others, hated synthetics. But, he supposed that could be worse, right? His head could still be aching from being drunk, or he could have been poisoned by a human or an asari... Maybe even having a malfunctioning toxin filter! But, those scenarios did not play out in the night, and as he approached the door, he shoved them to the side and opened the door. [color=#B0C4DE]"Hello there, Rol'Naaris vas Vaepal. Are you not up a tad early? It is only seven after all."[/color]He asked his fellow comrade. [color=olive]"Seven is the perfect time of the day. After all, the Marines always taught its soldiers to get up around seven."[/color] he covered up the fact that he spent most of the night up as a result of his nightmares. He did not want for yesterday's events to happen again. It was all embarrassing to show weakness like that. Plus, he feared that the quairan would open his mouth about the event given enough boozes... [color=olive]""Sorry if I woke you up. Just making sure that you were fine, given yesterday's adventure."[/color] he said while rubbing the back of his neck. [color=olive]""If you need some more rest, I will just head for the lobby and talk to the local until you are ready."[/color] [color=#B0C4DE]"I deduced as much that it was military related timing..."[/color] He mumbled under his breath when he heard Rol's excuse for coming by so early. Of course, why would it not be that. At the very least, Rol did apologize for intruding on the Quarian so early, to which Rayes simply shook his head no. [color=#B0C4DE]"It is alright. I could not really sleep last night anyhow, so it is probably for the best."[/color]He replied, lifting his left arm up to check his omni-tool for any new information, but instead was soon seeing the message from yesterday that the Spectres sent out. He looked back up to Rol, seeing that it was probably good that the Quarian had came. [color=#B0C4DE]"Actually, this is good in a way. We should head to the coordinates that the Spectres sent as soon as we can. It did want us there soon, did it not?"[/color] He asked, referring to how the time from the message was sometime in the morning. Rayes himself was basically ready to go, seeing as he had no luggage or anything to take with him except the clothes on his back and the gun on his leg. He was just waiting for Rol to take the lead. [color=olive]""Yeah, let's try to get to the nearest shuttle port."[/color] he said as he was the first one that walked towards the elevator. The elevator was already at their floor when Rol'Naaris pressed the button. Once the doors opened, the pair of quarian stepped inside and went down towards the lobby floor. It only took them thirty second before the elevator got to it's destination. The door opened again and Rol'Naaris was the first to step out of the elevator. And in the matter of a few minutes, they were checked out of the hotel and Rol'Naaris went outside to see the streets full of people. Despite it being so early in the morning. This did not surprised him since he lived in this city since the Reaper War. Assuming that Rayes was behind him, Rol'Naaris marched towards the shutter port and discovered that it was busier than usual. [color=olive]"Well, this is perfect. We might be late for our take-off."[/color] he said while looking at the shutter port, watching shuttles landing and going. It was disappointing to leave Earth since he spent a year of his life here. He had originally hoped that they would stay just for a bit longer. [color=#B0C4DE]"I believe we will be fine. After all, I do not believe they would leave without us. Some scolding perhaps, but ultimately fine nonetheless."[/color] Rayes replied, confident that they would be fine. It would have been worse, Rayes thought, if they weren't seeing shuttles come and go. At least that indicated that there was some sort of pace, and all they would have to do is wait. Luckily for Rayes, patience was rather easy. While they hadn't anticipated for a busy shuttle port, at least they weren't the last in line anymore. And, in a way, he was glad that they were going to be leaving Earth soon. He had to admit that, while Alexandra was not as bad as London, he still did not fully trust this planet as a whole. Too many humans, too many varied opinions that he felt were worsening as time went on. It made him appreciate Rannoch or the short time he spent on the Crucible project. There he was respected for his ingenuity, for his expertise... And he was looked at as something more than just a Quarian. More than just an alien in a suit, and it made him feel welcomed. On Rannoch, there were really only Quarians or Geth. Most Quarians don't really interact with the outside world to begin with, except for Pilgrimages, so in a way Rayes did not fully understand the sentiment that Rol'Naaris had for Earth. While they were waiting to get into their shuttle, there was nothing to do other than talk. But, it had to be the right subject that does not result in another argument. It took him a second to think of a subject to start talking about towards his quarian friend: stories from their pilgrimage. [color=olive]"I assuming that you have stories about your pilgrimage?"[/color] he asked as the line barely moved, meaning that it was going to be awhile before they would leave. Rayes tensed slightly at Rol's attempt at a conversation topic, remembering the dreadful experience he had on his own pilgrimage. What awful years were they, and quite recent to add, which was in itself surprising to the Quarian because it felt like distant memories. Regardless, at least it would give them something to talk about, even if Rayes himself found his pilgrimage to be rather horrid. [color=#B0C4DE]"My pilgrimage is nothing someone would wish to remember, Rol. Perhaps we could discuss yours instead?"[/color] He offered in a way to shift the subject away from himself and to place it on his traveling associate. Hopefully Rol would, well, roll with it. He had noticed the sudden attempt at dodging the question; however, he understool that it was too personal for Rayes to discuss. After all, he heard tales from other quarians about how bad their pilgrimages were. Rol'Naaris' pilgrimage was, for the most part, peaceful compared to the others. It could had been something to do with keeping his head low and hiding from the general public. Which story should he tell about his pilgrimage at the Citadel? Maybe he could talk about the day that Sovereign attacked the Citadel. [color=olive]"Alright, my pilgrimage had been spent at the Citadel. For most of it, it was good despite me being a quarian. I even earned an apartment and got a job at a repair shop. Everyone was pefect... until Sovereign arrived and started to his attack. I was working at the repair store when I word of it. I managed to saw Sovereign for a moment before being pushed to a C-Sec station. That reaper is still the biggest reaper I have ever seen. After a hour of waiting around, I decided to go outside and check out the situation. I saw Sovereign getting destroyed by the Alliance ships. One by one were firing their guns with the Normandy firing the last it. That moment was breathtaking to see in person rather than watching a video. Of couse, that was when pieces of it started to land on the Citadel. And that was scary. It took fifteen minutes before everyone went silent. Afterwards, I immediately raced back to my apartment to see it..."[/color] he stopped for a moment to remember that moment in his time at the Citadel. The main reason why he returned back to the fleet. And he started to remember his roommate, Thomas. A young human that lived in the apartment for awhile and he worked at a restaurant as a bartender. Sadly, he died during the Battle of the Citadel as a Geth ship crashed through their apartment. He had to start over again and that was when he decided to return to fleet. When he looked back up, he saw that they were almost towards the shuttle port. It was a perfect time to end the story without any questions from Rayes. [color=olive]"Well, let's get our tickets and aboard one of the shuttles before we are late."[/color] he quickly said as he walked towards the ticket booth. Sovereign... Sovereign... That name sounded familiar to Rayes. It was only when Rol mentioned that it was a reaper that Rayes could picture the beast, or at least something similar to it. He had a limited knowledge of events that had taken place within the past several years, to which a majority of it, if not from hearing it from other Quarians, was mainly by his own research of events that transpired while he was on Illium. He had only been in with the other Quarians for not even a year before the Reapers came... So such events as the Sovereign attack on the Citadel were somewhat still new info to the Quarian. But he listened intently, rather disappointed in himself for his stupid pilgrimage choices. What a fool Rayes felt like now, having gone to a place such as Illium instead of a safer option like the Citadel. But, if it had been attacked, then perhaps it was for the best that he was on Illium at the time. Not necessarily in a better place, but despite the harassment, abuse... At least it was somewhat safe, and it let him work on recent tech that the Eclipse could get their hands on. Those were really the only good sides of that situation, everything else was horrid. But it seemed Rol would end his story on a cliffhanger, which, while it puzzled Rayes slightly, he could understand if the sight was not a good one to remember. He certainly did not like sharing his own pilgrimage, and so if another Quarian did not which to share everything, he would respect that for now and instead focus on the task at hand. [color=#B0C4DE]"Of course, I do not believe Spectre Anderson or Spectre Partinax would be in the best of moods if we are late enough. But I believe we shall be fine, after all..."[/color] He trailed off as they reached the ticket booth. It didn't take them long to board a shuttle after that. The shuttle was expected to arrived at London in two hours so the ride was going to be silent. And awkward. In order to prevent that, he either had to finish the story or discuss a different topic. It took a moment to come up with some but Rol'Naaris finally thought of something to talk about. [color=olive]"What are your thoughts on other members of the crew?"[/color] he asked Rayes, hoping to end the silence between them. Rayes turned to face Rol, pondering the question for a second. How did he think of the crew... That was a tough question, one that he didn't really think about. While he didn't really mind a majority of them, there were a few that got on his nerves from first impressions, so maybe they could discuss that. At least it was something to do instead of sitting quietly for two hours. [color=#B0C4DE]"It would depend on the crew members. For instance, the giant Turian, I believe his name was Tiberius, is on the top of my list. He assisted me in going after those rogue scientists who attempted to bail, and in the process protected me. It was good to feel protected in a dire situation..."[/color] He paused, regaining his composure for a second when he realized he had went off on a tangent for a bit about the huge Turian soldier. [color=#B0C4DE]"Then, if we look on the bottom, I am not sure who would be worst. There was the Asari who had an explosion within the first five minutes of me arriving at the meeting zone yesterday in the tunnels, and not to mention her bubbly attitude."[/color] He said, expressing bubbly in a rather displeased tone as he disapproved of her childish nature. [color=#B0C4DE]"And do not get me started on the ex-cerberus human! I do not trust a man with such a background, even if he may have gotten injured yesterday. It seems too unlikely that he would not have known about what were in those tunnels... And his tech, ugh it is so bad. I swear, I will have to upgrade everyone's weapons when I can get the chance. At least that will give me something to do instead of being an extra hand in the engine room... Anyway, as for the others, they are not good nor bad to me. But enough about what I think, what do you think of them?"[/color] He asked, switching the spotlight of the question to Rol. [color=olive]"That ex-cerberus human is going to cause problems. He pointed a gun at me for no reason other than wanting an explanation."[/color] he responded as soon as Rayes mentioned Ellis. Rol'Naari still distrusted since the accident at the subway tunnel. It was complete chaos down at the tunnel with the explosion from that asari and Ellis threatening to shoot Rol'Naaris. He had some words to say to the human next time that they were alone. As for the asari, she was too much for Rol'Naaris to handle as well. [color=olive]"The asari is too dangerous to handle whatever caused the explosion. I hope that the Spectres keep a close eye on both of them."[/color] he stated while looking out of the window to see the Mediterranean Sea. He loved looking at the sea and watching the waves at the beach. Man, how he was going to miss Earth. While looking at the sea, he thought of the other crew members. He did not know most of them expect Ellis and Vella. However, the one member that was more interest than the rest was the geth. It called itself "Phalanx" while in the tunnels. Rol'Naaris did not know what to think of "Phalanx" other than that he was suspicious of the machine. Of course, Rayes already knew how he felt about them; however, the geth did not. It was going to be interesting to see it's reaction. He looked at Rayes and asked him about the geth, [color=olive]"Honestly, what are your thoughts on 'Phalanx'?"[/color] Rayes was glad to see that Rol had a similar thoughts on the ex-cerberus human and the asari, recalling the gun pointing that occured while he stood off to the side of everyone. He agreed that both of them would need constant observations, and Rayes himself would be willing to set up some sort of tracking system or camera system on the Spectre's ship if they didn't already have one. But, Rayes became slightly uneased when Rol brought up Phalanx, the geth on their team. It made him shift his hood and cloak around a bit, giving him a brief distraction to gather his thoughts. He wanted to be truthful with his opinion of Phalanx, but at that same token, he was slightly afraid of how Rol would respond... Several seconds of silence later, Rayes took a deep breath before looking in Rol's direction, ready to speak. [color=#B0C4DE]"Ah, yes... Phalanx... I, well, I am sure you already know of my opinion on the geth. This particular one seems to very receptive to information, almost as if it is learning, which it very well could be due to their new individuality... Though, I suppose you did not which to hear technical information about Phalanx. It is an interesting geth, and it saved me from husks in those tunnels, along with protecting the scientists despite the threat faced. Overall, I trust it more than most of the crew, but I do not know a lot of them in the first place, so I do not have much to go off of. It saved my life, and I am grateful for that..."[/color] He replied, his tone expressing genuine relief as he spoke about how it had protected him. He saw Phalanx like a child. A deadly, synthetic child, but a child nonetheless. It was an oddity that he wanted to study, to teach, and perhaps pay back the favor and protect it. It was interesting to hear Rayes voicing his thoughts about the geth. Sure, it was silly to think that he trusted the geth more than any of the crew members. What Rayes thought to be the geth learning, Rol'Naaris thought that it was observing. And he did not understand why he would trust the geth so quickly despite what they did to everyone in the galaxy years ago. That kindness towards the geth was annoying and disgusting. Regardless, Rol'Naaris knew when to keep his mouth shut. [color=olive]"As long as it follows orders and keeps the others safe, then I will be fine with it."[/color] he said to Rayes. [color=#B0C4DE]"I see... Well, at least this did not devolve into some sort of arguement like last time... Perhaps, then, we should move on to a different subject."[/color] Rayes replied, tilting his head to the side slightly as he took a second to think of a topic. They talked about the other crew members, whom they seemed to like, dislike, and then there was the sensitive topic of the geth. But it felt like they'd hardly made a dent in time. It was then that a thought occured to Rayes, one that he was a bit hesitant to discuss because it the next topic he thought of were the Spectres themselves, and so he turned to face Rol. [color=#B0C4DE]"So... seeing as we were discussing the team... What are your thoughts on our leaders? The Spectres?"[/color] [color=olive]"They are our commanders. I respect them already even if our views are different."[/color] he said with a serious tone until he chuckled. [color=olive]"That's what the Marines taught you anyway."[/color] He liked both Spectres based on his time with them especially Anderson. Anderson's fighting style impressed Rol'Naaris while they were at the tunnel. He might be a bit biased since he had seen many Alliance forces fighting besided him during the Battle of Earth. As for Aegon, he was like any hardass drill sergeant who is willing to get things done. Even if it cost lives. Rol'Naaris was fine with him given his time in the Marines and his fair share of sergeants yelling at him. Then, the shuttle finally landed at a shuttle port in London as the doors opened and revealed skyscapes and the famous giant wheel that was rebuilt after the Reaper Wars. The quarians started to walk to the police station. Rol'Naaris looked at Rayes while walking along and wondered the reason behind his decision to not join the Marines. Maybe he felt like he was not fit for it. Or his parents made him do something else. Regardless, he wanted to know. [color=olive]"Mind if I asked why you did not join the Marines?"[/color] Rol'Naaris asked while walking on the sidewalk of one of London's busy streets. Why Rayes did not join the Marines... quite an intriguing question, the other Quarian thought. Though, it was one that was very easy to answer in his eyes. [color=#B0C4DE]"I suppose I followed more in my mother and father's footsteps, more my mother than father. When I was young, I would always find some sort of technology to tamper with, or my mother would give me something that I had no idea what it was. I found it so much fun to find out on my own, and listening to their stories... It made for a hopeful young Quarian who wanted to aspire in being known for his own technological advances. Unfortunately... My pilgrimage slightly tampered with my plans, and it brought me into the grim reality this universe can hold. Fighting was not meant for me, or really the thought of things that relate to it. There were other ways I could be useful than learning how to use a gun. Creating things that would benefit not only Quarian weaponry and defenses against the geth, but also attempting to improve our way of life... I am sorry, I went off on a tangent again, did I not?"[/color] If Rayes could scratch the back of his physical neck, he probably would have done so sheepishly, but instead all he could do was something similar, coming into contact with his suit. He only now started to process what he had said, attempting to think if he answered the question. If he was being honest, he was not sure in the slightest what Marines did exactly. Only stories, but to him they could have just been fantasy... [color=#B0C4DE]"So, why did you join the Marines, Rol'Naaris? I could guess, but it is best to hear facts instead of thinking about fiction."[/color] [color=olive]"Well, it had something to do with what my father once said to me. A tough Marine like his father before him. 'You won't know when reality suckerpuches you until it does. And when you do, you will realize why I joined the Marines.' You know what I did? I laughed at his advice before I went on my pilgrimage." Rol'Narris said to his quarian pal after hearing the reason why he did not bothered to join the Marines. I wanted to be like my mother, like you. Building and improving technology from my fleet and her people. My mother would often allowed me to look as she repaired suits, weapons, and ships. I loved it all. It was beauty to my eyes as you think of technology now. That's why I worked at a repair shop until reality gave me a wake up call."[/color] he kept on talking while they stopped at a cafe. Rol'Naaris turned to Rayes and kept on talking, [color=olive]"You know the story about my pilgrimage from eariler? The one where I ran to my apartment? Well, the geth ship crash landed on my apartment. That ship destoryed everything that I earned and built. It also killed my closest friend who was trying to stay safe. Poor bastard..."[/color] He had realized that he started to shed a tear about the ending of his pilgrimage. It was still effecting him despite the attacking happening years ago. He then finished up the reason why he joined the Marines, [color=olive]"After I got something worthly to return to the fleet, I met with my father and gave him a big hug. Told him that I was sorry for laughing. That's why I joined the Marines. Doesn't match with your thoughts, right?"[/color] he remarked to Rayes' earlier statement that he 'could guess' about the reason why he joined the Marines coldly, still feeling the emotions from yesterday's events at the memorial. There were a moment of silence before Rol'Naaris thanked the other quarian while controlling his emotions and keeping on the appearance of a grateful host, [color=olive]"It was quite an adventure. Hope that we spent more time together. See you later."[/color] Then, he departed towards the station leaving Rayes to think about what Rol'Narris just said. Once inside he went to the police station's bathroom and let them out before meeting the others. He kept on thinking about Thomas while trying to stop crying. The more he thought about his friend, the more he kept crying. It was unfair that the Reapers and Geth took his life so quickly. He vowed to join the Marines in honor of his friend. Funny, he quickly Rol'Naaris forgot about it until now. Listening to Rol's misfortune while on his pilgrimage reminded Rayes of his own, and he continued to shudder slighty throughout Rol's explaination. To think, while Rayes was abused on Illium, another quarian was experiencing the trauma of the reaper attack on the citadel. Or, perhaps a better way to say it is he was handling the trauma of seeing a close friend dead due to the geth, or rather, a geth ship under the reaper's command. It reopened the memories that he tried so hard to surpress, and while Rol could not tell due to the mask, Rayes himself was in a state of shock, staring blankly as they walked, remembering the struggle and pain... It wasn't until he heard a thanks that he was snapped back into the present, causing the quarian to shake one last time before stammering his own goodbye as Rol walked away. [color=#B0C4DE]"I... er... Yes! It was, uh, it was good to talk with another Quarian!"[/color] He called, attempting to sound cheerful or happy, maybe content, but he felt he failed in doing so. He sighed, standing there for a second at station, pondering what Rol would be doing. Perhaps he had some sort of business there? Rayes was not sure, but it felt as if that was a time to seperate moment. Or maybe not? Conflicted, he decided to sit at a nearby and attempt to recall what Rol had told him. In a way to Rayes, it was... interesting to see a different perspective. To think, he may have walked a different path if he had the thought back then. Instead of being hopeful for a chance to start the career he dreamed of, maybe... Somewhere he could have become bitter. Bitter at the Eclipse and the asari and humans who held authority over him. Bitter at their treatment towards him and their harassment. Bitter at Illium for allowing such actions to occur. But then he realized, he was... deep down inside him, and not so much. He held a massive grudge against the humans, the asari... In his eyes, they were vile. They were... too spread in their views, too loose or too evil, turning their shoulders and neglecting severe problems for the sake of their screwed perceptions. Rayes was having a hard time seperating the members of the Eclipse with reality, but to him, they were reality. They were his first true experience with other alien races, and he admited that it was awful. It made him want to huddle somewhere, but all he could do was lean forward and hold his head tightly as he tried to surpress the rising memories. It must have looked wrong to passerbys, but still he continued to sit in that position as memories continued to flash in his head. After a few minutes in the bathroom, he left the cafe to discovered that Rayes was still waiting for him. He tried his best to act as if nothing had happened and walked to the quarian. [color=olive]"Do you know where we are supposed to go?"[/color] he asked while obviously pretending to feel something other than sadness. He heard a voice pierce through his mind, causing him to open his eyes and once more see reality. Stunned, he looked up to notice Rol in front of him, causing Rayes to attempt to process what he had just been asked. In the several seconds of silence before an answer, Rayes did his best to sit back up, taking several breaths in an effort to calm him down before taking one big sigh. [color=#B0C4DE]"I, um... That is an excellent... quesiton. I could check the coordinates on my omni-tool, they did send us that after all."[/color] He replied, sounding as if he were tired or recovering from distress. Rol'Naaris quickly noticed the sound of his voice as if he was tired. He wanted to say something but the day already was filled with emotional discussions. Then, he realized that the coordinates were on his omni-tool. He felt terrible for asking him the question and wasting his time. After a moment of looking at the omni-tool, he realized that they pointed to the Metropolitan Police station. His laugh was pathetic if he was supposed to keep up the appearance that everything was fine. Then he answered Rayes' question, [color=olive]"The Metropolitan Police station. Follow me and we should be there in no time."[/color] Rayes fumbled slightly with his own omni-tool as Rol did, though he really did not feel like having to look up where they were meant to go again. He had known that he had read it on several occasions, but it was lost in his memory. By the time he found it, it seemed Rol was already one step ahead of him. Interesting that their next stop with the Spectres was a police station of all things. [color=#B0C4DE]"I uh, of course. Lead the way, and I shall follow."[/color] Rayes replied, taking several seconds to get off the bench and follow Rol, feeling mentally tired despite the day barely starting. If he knew anything, it was that today was most likely going to be a long day. Together, they made their way towards the Metropolitan Police station.