[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/oCM4u0y.png[/img][/CENTER] It was Jin's first day at U.A. High. He wanted it to be memorable, and it definitely was. Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly going the way he planned. To start things off, he failed to wake up on time. He wasn't sure, but it was probably due to walking around Musutafu and grabbing a couple of drinks; feeding into his curiosity and thirst a day before, was certainly not the brightest of ideas. With time not being on his side, Jin immediately got out of bed, grabbed his uniform, and ran for it. The shagginess of his hair was impeccable, his breath had the odor of day-old fish, and to top this all off, his uniform didn't fit. The sleeves of both the blazer and shirt were torn apart, the buttons popped right off, while his pants had turned into ripped up shorts instead. Letting out a lengthy sigh, Jin knew he was going to make quite the impression once he reached his class. [hr][hr] To his dismay, Jin found himself outside the doors of Class 1-A and first period had already started. Honestly, he thought he would have made it, but I guess wishful thinking could only get you so far. With nothing else to do, he simply listened closely to what was taking place on the other side. [b]"Gather up your stuff and meet in the courtyard!" [/b] Suddenly, someone came rushing out of the room at high speeds causing the wind to shuffle in his wake. Jin wasn't sure who that was, but he was certain of the instructions that was just given to the class. Given his tardiness, he needed to show a bit of initiative, so he made his way to the courtyard in hopes of being one of the first few people there. [hr][hr] Albeit his worn and torn PE Uniform that failed to fit him, Jin managed to make his way into the courtyard. With bag in tow, his eyes flickered from left to right. This was the first time he was around so many people around his age since most of the people in his village were fairly adults. However, before he introduced himself to the rest, he had to go to whoever was in charge and explain his tardiness. [color=9FF5F1]"Now, if only I could find a teacher or something."[/color] thought Jin as he began looking around.