Sorry about the long delay, this weekend was very hectic for me. Here is my character sheet. It's a little bit on the short side and a bit unorganized but don't worry, my post will be better than this. Name: Harper Ellington Age: 24 Gender: Female Mutation: Harper has the ability over metal and as a slight off-branch of her powers, her hair is partially composed of metal giving it a coppery, metallic shine that is uncommon in normal hair. Appearance: [hider=Harper] [img=] [/hider] Standing at the height of 5' 4", Harper has an average build for a woman her age. Her copper colored hair has a vibrant metallic shine that even though the coloring seems to be unnatural and dyed by a professional, the coloring almost seems to be natural on Harper. Abilities: Even though she is not able to change the attributes that make up a metal, such as weight and chemical makeup of the metal, she is able move and change the shape of both magnetic and non-magnetic metals. Similar to the fantastic four movie with the silver surfer, Harper is able to fly with the help of a metal disks he can form and control in midair. She is able to mold the metal she is controlling to her hands and arms at a slight degree so that she can create tools or weapons that would be attached to her. Her copper concentrated hair is only has an aesthetic value but can be problematic when it comes to going through metal detectors. Non-mutational Skills: Harper is someone that thinks quickly on her feet and is able to hatch up a plan or idea quite quickly. She has a knack when it comes to mechanical and technological work. Personality: Harper is a serious person that devotes work as her first priority in life as she strives to perform the best that she can, though she does come off as a little bit of a perfectionist at times. While not overly talkative, she is someone that is quite social towards others, though she does have a sarcastic tongue to her. While she can be quite blunt with her words, she cares deeply about her friends and family and will stand up for them or aid them when they are in need. Goals: Harper is a type of person that always wants to push herself to do the best that she can do. With this new opportunity coming up to leave the island, Harper is wanting to go into the unknown and forge herself a new direction that isn’t in the footsteps of her parents and see how far she can run with it. Fears/Weaknesses: Even though she is quite forgiving of misstates others cause, Harper is very strict, if not a bit harsh, about her own faults and mistakes. Backstory/Extra stuff: Both Harper's parents were a part of the small police force on the island and it was thought that Harper would follow their footsteps when she became an adult. However, Harper wasn’t interested in police work but was rather interested in engineering and other mechanical and technological work. While her father was a little bitter with her decision, both were supportive and pushed her to perform the best that she could. However, after life went on she wanted to do more, accomplish more. [i] she didn't want the meaning of her life to be about buckets [/i] and other minute work. Her answer came when she was given the opportunity to leave the island, Harper was very ecstatic and accepted the offer without a second thought.