"Um, thanks?" Travis couldn't assess immediately if Nemo was countering with argument or a compliment. While distracted by the external activity that influenced their container, Travis had failed to notice Raiya accepting his canteen and downing it thoroughly. Upon receiving it back, Travis felt the lightness of the canteen and even examined its port and well past it in hopes of there being any water remaining. Unfortunately he found none. "...yeah I'll hold ya too that," said a disappointed Travis as he tucked the canteen back into his coat, "hope you don't have to [i]go[/i] during the trip." Per Nemo's advisory, Travis made himself comfortable where sat, knowing that their stowaway voyage would likely take a longer while before the ship reached its fated destination. There wasn't much conversation during the down time which Travis was satisfied enough with. As usual with his own moments, he felt the need to at least make himself productive by drawing away at his notepad towards a new spell for later. Time would eventually pass without anything alarming. The occasional patrol outside from the unwary crewmembers would come and go without batting an eye to the hijacked container. That however soon changed when a number of voices congregated outside which drew Travis' attention from his work. While the hull of the container naturally muffled the sound from the outside, it did stop Travis from adequately hearing one someone ordering the assembled personnel to find a shipment of weapons they had brought with them. "Munitions? That doesn't sound good. Wait..." Travis commented aloud but before he could continue on, he thought he heard the sound of a steel door creaking open. Another one soon followed. Travis quickly pressed his ear to their container's hull and soon made out that the sounds he was hearing were coming from other containers nearby, "oh hell, they're searching the containers." Travis then backed away and turned to see Nemo and Raiya almost scrambling to unveil the cargo stored within their occupied container. As it so happens, their container was the lucky number storing the weapons the crew were looking for. Had it now been for their situation turning dire, Travis could almost see himself sarcastically justifying his earlier statement to Nemo. Though if he would follow through with it was however another matter entirely. "Can't go outside without drawing attention to ourselves...unless you're willing to go guns blazing..." Travis advised following Raiya's vocal concern, It was then he realized what he just unintentionally said and quickly produced an elaboration, "...figuratively speaking though I suppose being literal wouldn't be out of the question." Travis then produced a tome and began quickly shifting through its pages, "my only other idea would to stay where we are, assuming if anyone has an awesome illusion spell they'd like to show off."