[@olcharlieboi] [@Ryougu] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmQxMDUwNS5SbkpwYmcsLC4wAAAA/char-bb.regular.png[/img][/center] Frin looked Charles in the eyes. He seemed honest, and with the same intentions as him. He seemed nice as well. "Guess you are right." He said, smiling back at him while shaking his hand. Then, out of all the possible people to have as their first teacher, All Might himself came in. The number one Pro Hero was going to teach them!? Even if it was temporarily, it felt like a great honor. Not only because he was so famous and strong, but also since he was one of his main examples. He risked his life multiple times to save multiple people in need. If he becomes a Pro- no, WHEN he becomes a Pro, Frin wants to have that same courage and dedication to protect others. As All Might told them to gather in the courtyard, everyone started going to that place. Following All Might would be impossible with his remarkable speed, so everyone went at their own pace. "Lets go, Charles!" Frin said, then went out the door without waiting for him. Some time later, he noticed a girl from his class heading to the courtyard, but she stood out for multiple reasons. One was because she had scales all over her body, but that didn't bother Frin much. The main reason she stood out was because of her stance. When she joined up with the rest of the class, she seemed to take on a normal one again, but while heading towards the group, she lagged behind and seemed a bit out of it, like she was nervous for some reason. Even though everyone else was exited to be working with All Might, she didn't seem to be. As he arrived at the courtyard, he stood next to her. "Are you okay? You look a bit nervous." He said towards her with a cool voice while still looking in All Might's direction. He didn't want to sound as if she was helpless, as he knew that wasn't the case. Not if she got accepted at UA.