For a moment - a little more than a moment, really - Danny was incredibly tempted to just raise his hand and say "How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?" But, he didn't. It really wasn't the right time for that kind of thing. A shame: Normally he [i]loved[/i] that kind of thing. His usual, irreverent attitude was missing as he ran the fingertips of his right hand musingly over the tabletop in front of him, eyes fixed upon the repetitive motion; his tone low as he slowly spoke. "So how long have you known about this Crowe guy, anyway? Just found out about him this morning?" His eyes flickered upwards to meet the librarian's gaze. "I mean, he's really dangerous, right? So dangerous that we'd be suicidal or insane not to be terrified of him, right? So... you couldn't possibly have known all about him before, [i]and[/i] known what we were up to before, without giving us a fair warning about him. Right?" His jaw tightened almost imperceptibly, and he leaned forward just a fraction - though the tone of his voice lifted a little, seeming almost friendly. Conversational. "'Cause, a cynical sort might think that you're only dropping this factoid on us right now to make us so paranoid and frightened that we'll go out of our way to be all buddy-buddy with Slayerette there and bring her into the fight, whether she likes it or not. A cynical sort might say, you've made it pretty clear that she really might not. And, a cynical sort might say that if anything terrible had happened to any of these fine people last night - it would kinda have been [i]your[/i] fault." The slow and methodical choice of words, the watchful eyes, the guarded and yet strangely fearless body-language - this wasn't the way that students should be speaking to faculty staff. Perhaps it was closer to the way that deals are brokered in remote lofty towers across the world. Perhaps it had more in common with the way that one carnivorous beast greets another, determining if they were truly a threat. Once the masks were off, why continue the masquerade? "And I guess what I'm saying is - I'm feeling pretty cynical right now."