[quote=@NuttsnBolts] [@Treue] Just as curiosity, sign of respect for the character, and also thinking of dipsey/head-butting conversations—how should characters refer to Taylor with her sexuality, gender, and him-her-they pronouns? I think I can guess, but I just wanna make sure I portray things right in the narrative and character speech. [/quote] In response to this, I want everyone to act how they think their character would when interacting with Taylor. If when they first see him they think he's a girl, act like it. If they think he's a boy, act like it. He basically looks like a boy with a feminine face, what with the mostly flat chest and ass. Also, after learning that he is biologically female, though identifies as a man, once again act how your character would in that situation. Do they think it's bullshit? Do they understand it? Do what comes natural for the character. All that having been said, Taylor prefers to be referred to as male, and will inform people of that should they refer to him as female. You can still refer to him in whatever way your character would though.