[center][h2][color=darkslateblue]Rumi[/color][/h2][b]Outskirts of Ordon Village[/b][/center] [color=darkslateblue][i]"... A hollowed gaze, of eyes cold to life...~ I felt the eyes fall apon me, yet within they felt no more...~"[/i][/color] A serene voice sounded from within the depths of the forest, approaching closer to the village by the river. The blue figure adorned in a gown of dark violet shade, to whom the voice belonged to, ceased in her path towards the settlement when a pair of distressed voices seemed to seek help. Rumi, the female Zora singer, was typically not the type to be generous to strangers (with the exception of children) unless there were any merit to be earned in doing so. As she was deciding to pretend the plea for help was not heard from her current location, a phrase paused her train of thought, '[i][color=39b54a]spineless knight[/color][/i]'. [color=darkslateblue][i]'A knight? Perhaps a Hylian knight?'[/i][/color], the songstress thought to herself with a scheming smile upon her lips. If the assumption that the knight seeking help was of Hyrule origin, it would be convenient for Rumi who had been traveling towards Hyrule to earn a debt to be owed to. The least she could get out of helping the knight would be an escort into the city, a must for a frail diva such as her. After the change of mind, the songstress at least decided to see what sort of situation they were in and followed after the screaming. Upon arriving at the source of the voices from a safe distance, Rumi sighed at the shameful scene before her. A knight garbed in green with a little Korok were stuck atop a branch, literally hanging for their lives from the vicious canines just below them. It was almost painful to see how cowardly the knight seemed to be, the thought of just leaving the unreliable knight had crossed her mind but out of pity, [s]and he could maaaybe still offer something worth,[/s] the Zora Siren stepped forward out into the open. The wolves sensed another presence among them and turned their heads towards the Zora as their expression remained hostile. Despite facing the hostility and sharp fangs head on, Rumi kept a confident expression. The Zora's lips parted, [color=darkslateblue][i]"I call on you now, devoute thyself for my need ...~"[/i][/color] As if by trance, the once enraged wolves withdrew their fangs and claws, bowing obediently towards the songstress. A soft chuckle escaped her lips before she spoke to the two above on the tree, [color=darkslateblue]"Do not be afraid, they're under my command. If you two so wish to, I will order them to leave."[/color]