[@olcharlieboi] Understandable. It's because they don't want to make the GM unhappy with the choices they made or accidentally loose a new member the GM would've accepted. It's kind of ripping to be a CO-GM. Many reasons to be nervous or feel like you might mess up if you accidentally say something wrong. I hope you can join the youtube world. I was thinking about joining it if I got a better computer and my life changes a bit more. I love seeing people happy even if I am suffering in real. I just want to see somebody else smile. (Main reason I like to rp. It's because I can get emotions out). It's hard starting a youtube channel when you have nothing especially the one thing you need to have ...money... It is very bad luck. I can't find roleplays to stick in...and all the roleplays I would join are considered full or are recruiting it's just they've been going on for like 6 months - 3 years so, I don't wanna jump in and be like 'Hi' and make a fool of myself.