[@IceHeart] Fixed it up and clarified some things on time magic. However I will put my own ideas for rules on his powers below, again the idea was for a character who seemed lucky but in truth wasn't. [hider=Skyler's rules] No living person can halted or accelerate by his magic. The only exception is when he alters his own time, which is more a reaction than any sort of controlled spell. He must be with within two meters of the objects (Roughly six feet for those using Imperial.) to affect it with a spell. As he grows older and learns more he will be able to halt larger objects and smaller ones for longer periods. The best he could do now is stop roughly ten pounds of weight for four seconds. He can change the course of the object while it stopped but when it resumes it still has force it had before it was stopped. A stopped object if frozen and no but the caster my move it, however all force others exert on it will be applied the moment the spell stops or can no longer be maintained. [/hider]